How Many Seasons The Boys Has Left?

How Many Seasons The Boys Has Left?
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Boys has now completed its third season, but one has to wonder, how many more seasons we can expect.

Eric Kripke, one of its executive producers, said before that they'd like to film five or six seasons. But at this stage it seems possible that Season 4 is going to be the final season of the show.

No, it is not a problem with popularity, as Season 3 still enjoys good reception from the critics and the audience. Rather, it is not clear for how long the showrunners could or want to extend the story.

By the end of Season 3, Homelander's mental state is deteriorating faster in the series that it did in the comic. He's already at the stage when it looks like a slightest provocation can trigger a homicidal rampage.

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That might indicate that the showrunners want him to completely fly off the handle early in Season 4, with the first half being the showdown with him, and the second half dedicated to the final conflict with Butcher (it is hardly a spoiler at this point that Butcher is also now becoming progressively unhinged) which the comic introduced once Homelander and his plans were dealt with.

Alternatively, Season 4 might be devoted to Homelander and his Supes rebellion, with Season 5 showing the aftermath and breakdown of the Boys. Anything more would be stretching the story unreasonably. Many fans don't think that there is much plot threads left to complete, or even believe that the show already had outstayed its welcome, and should aim straight for the conclusion.

"Let's stop where Supernatural should have stopped – season 5" seems to the prevalent opinion on Reddit.

It is still questionable whether the showrunners at the moment want The Boys to go on, instead of ending it at Season 4, but theoretically they have enough material left for two more seasons, and given that they have never been especially faithful to the source material, it would not be inconceivable to introduce a sub-plot or two, if it seems that they do not have enough plot for this much screentime.

But going past Season 5 seems difficult to conceive at this stage, and would probably require inventing a major plotline wholesale.