How Wahlberg & Ramirez Really Feel About Daez Becoming Canon on Blue Bloods

Detectives Danny Reagan and Maria Baez make for one hell of a crime-fighting team.
The duo has been resolving homicides and other serious investigations since becoming partners for the first time in season three of Blue Bloods . Now, as the popular police procedural / crime drama enjoys its 13th season, fans are desperate to know if Danny and Maria will ever become more than just working partners?
It's a question that has been posed to the actors – Donnie Wahlberg and Marisa Ramirez – who portray the characters on the show. And, surprisingly enough, they both have a lot to dish on the subject.
During a September 2021 discussion with CBS The Talk, Donnie Wahlberg went down the road of whether or not his character, Danny, should get romantically involved with Detective Maria Baez. In response, Wahlberg referenced another relationship on Blue Bloods that involves Jamie Reagan (Will Estes) and Eddie Janko (Vanessa Ray).
According to the 53-year-old actor, that pairing prohibited Jamie and Eddie from sharing much screen time moving forward, which is something that would also likely split Danny and Maria.
After all, it's not orthodox in law enforcement for couples engaged in a romantic relationship to also exist as working partners. Therefore, it would only be ethical if Maria and Danny ceased to work together and that, according to Wahlberg, is unacceptable.
"If [Danny and Baez] start a relationship, we won't have scenes together, and then I'll miss my friend," Wahlberg summarized, indicating he is not a fan of seeing his character get romantically involved with Maria Baez.
The sentiment was shared by co-star Marisa Ramirez who revealed that she doesn't want to be a part of the show if her character cannot work alongside Danny. Consequently, they are better off remaining friends than lovers.
Despite the insistence that Danny and Baez will not get involved anytime soon on Blue Bloods, Redditors feel otherwise. It's been mentioned that in the recent episode (S13, E9: "Nothing Sacred"), Danny all but hints the police partners will eventually get together. While sharing an intimate moment with his friend John, Danny states: "I'm happy with my partner. We have the right women in our lives."
For Redditors, it's impossible to ignore those words as foreshadowing that Danny and Baez are destined for each other. Nevertheless, others disagree and suggest Danny was only implying the relationship at a strictly platonic level. Still, the prospect of the detective rediscovering love after tragically losing his first wife excites many audience members.
Be that as it may, Redditors should avoid planning for a wedding date in the near future.
It's been strictly reinforced by the showrunner of Blue Bloods, Kevin Wade, that he doesn't want to turn Danny and Baez into canon. In fact, Wade went on the record with TV Insider stressing that Blue Bloods has "nowhere to go" once that decision is made.
Accordingly, we've got to trust the boss of a TV show who is firmly against an idea, even if fans would prefer for Maria and Danny to transform into lovebirds.