TV The Boys Game of Thrones

Jon Snow's Epic Quote Now More Relevant Than Ever in 2023

Jon Snow's Epic Quote Now More Relevant Than Ever in 2023
Image credit: Legion-Media

When we watch fantasy or sci-fi movies or TV shows, we remove ourselves from the real world for a period of time. But inevitably there is something relatable in these made-up worlds that resonates and speaks to us on a real level.

That's what connects us to a world or a time different from our own and makes us care about what happens to its inhabitants.

One character that Game of Thrones fans really took to their hearts was Jon Snow. He was a hero. His background story was one of struggle and heartache. And yet he remained strong and resolute. Of course, this generic description of an onscreen hero could be used to describe so many other characters down the years, across all genres.

So, what made Jon Snow different?

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Well, aside from his character arc, his dialogue was superb. Many of his best quotes landed so perfectly because they made complete sense in this fantasy world while also shining a light on life on earth in 2022.

Think about these lines:

"We're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair."

"Not just the boys. We can't defend the North if only half the population is fighting."

"We're all the same to them. Meat for their army."

"Love is the death of duty."

All great lines that we can apply in one way or another to the modern world.

But perhaps the most poignant line ever spoken by Jon Snow – one that must surely strike a chord with anybody who has lived through these past few years – comes when Jon is talking about those who live north of the wall.

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These are people who have been demonised simply because they had the misfortune to be born in a particular place at a particular time in history. They are viewed merely as a people, not a group of individuals, each with their own character and personality. And the collective attitude towards them from many in Westeros appears to be that where they go, what they do, and their quality of life is of no consequence – just so long as they keep out.

Anybody living anywhere in this day and age must be aware of a section of society near them or who they regularly hear about in the news who fit that category.

Talking about them, Jon Snow simply says,

"They were born on the wrong side of the wall – doesn't make them monsters."