Kate Winslet's Titanic Salary Was 20 Times Lower Than Leonardo DiCaprio's

One of the highest-grossing films in history earned DiCaprio a colossal sum.
Titanic is considered one of the best movies of the 1990s and is still in the top five at the box office, earning over $2.2 billion.
Leonardo DiCaprio ended up making a lot of money, thanks to a clause in his contract, leaving Kate Winslet far behind.
Today everyone knows the names of the main actors of Titanic, but in 1997 they were not so famous, belonging to the class of novice, but promising actors.
However, Kate Winslet still received a significant amount of money for her role in the movie – a whopping $2 million. For a young and little known actress, it was a huge salary.
Kate definitely earned her money – she worked long hours, spent a lot of time in freezing water on the set, developed severe pneumonia, and even nearly drowned during filming.
Kate selflessly gave herself to Titanic and deservedly received such a salary for her excellent work.
Although Kate made a lot of money for her role, she wasn't paid as much as her co-star Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo, who was better known at the time, received a staggering $2.5 million for his work as poor aspiring artist Jack Dawson.
His greater experience in the industry and box office success likely led to a higher salary.
In the end, however, Leo received 20 times more money than Kate, but how did this happen? Leo, anticipating the success of Titanic, agreed with the film studio on a small share of 1.8% of the total income of the movie.
Most likely, the actor was shocked when Titanic became the absolute box office record holder and the owner of many prizes and awards.
Thanks to this success, DiCaprio earned a total of $40 million. Titanic earned $2.2 billion, and Leo, in turn, received his pleasant cash interest.
DiCaprio is known to have donated a portion of his earnings to charity. Millvina Dean was the last survivor of the Titanic. At the time, she was living in a nursing home and her bills were piling up.
Irish writer Don Mullan decided to step in and do something about it. He created the Millvina Foundation, which raised money to help her pay her medical bills.
DiCaprio, along with Winslet and Cameron, donated to the fund, and according to Mullan, he was thrilled by their generosity.
What's most important, Dean didn't have to sell her Titanic memorabilia to make ends meet.