
Lars von Trier's Most Divisive Movie That Made Viewers Leave the Theater Just Arrived at Shudder

Lars von Trier's Most Divisive Movie That Made Viewers Leave the Theater Just Arrived at Shudder
Image credit: Zentropa

Art evokes different emotions, depending on the point of view from which it is judged. Lars von Trier is a striking example of this. The director evoked a series of contradictory feelings, from disgust to admiration, with a single film.

The last genius of cinema and a psychopath with a movie camera; an experimenter who explores the limits of the screen and a troublemaker – you probably won't find a more scandalous and controversial figure in modern cinema than Lars von Trier.

The House That Jack Built Made Viewers Leave the Theater

Lars von Trier's films are made in such a way that you can't be indifferent to them. They are either hated and cursed or called masterpieces and praised.

“He mutilates Riley Keough, he mutilates children... and we are all there in formal dress expected to watch it?” – that's how the Cannes audience reacted to the 2018 premiere of Lars von Trier's The House That Jack Built. Then about a hundred viewers walked out of the theater.

Lars von Trier's Most Divisive Movie That Made Viewers Leave the Theater Just Arrived at Shudder - image 1

Von Trier himself believes that a movie should be like a pebble in a shoe – uncomfortable. Annoy, bore, prevent you from moving on.

Despite Its Scandalous Nature, the House That Jack Built Is One of the Director's Most Accessible Films

Trier's direction is a sophisticated manipulation, a game with the feelings and expectations of the viewer, who is waiting for catharsis and clarity of expression, but instead gets a confusing cipher and leaves the theater confused.

Despite the indignation of the audience and the mixed reactions of the critics, The House That Jack Built is perhaps the most comprehensible and dynamic, and therefore the easiest to watch, of Trier's films.

And it is a perfect one to begin your acquaintance with the director. Especially now that you can watch it on Shudder.

What Is The House That Jack Built About?

The psychological thriller centers on a ruthless serial killer named Jack who presents his brutal crimes as works of art.

Lars von Trier's Most Divisive Movie That Made Viewers Leave the Theater Just Arrived at Shudder - image 2

The events of the movie will unfold in the 1970s and 1980s – during the 12 years that the madman terrorized the entire state of Washington – and will touch on five bloody "incidents" that Jack himself will narrate in the first person.

The House That Jack Built Is a Must-See for Anyone Who Wants to Get To Know the Director's Work

With an unusual soundtrack featuring David Bowie's Fame and Ray Charles' Hit The Road Jack, we are taken on a journey to hell where metaphors reign, allowing for a variety of interpretations, with the main focus being the protagonist's frustration at never being able to build the perfect house.

If you love Lars von Trier's films, you should definitely see The House That Jack Built – after all, who else among modern directors can afford to make an expensive movie about such a controversial subject?

Viewers who can't stand gore and violence on the screen should avoid this one – the cruelty in The House That Jack Built is off the charts.