Movies Ezra Miller The Flash

Love or Hate The Flash, This Scene Was Nothing Short of a Clown Show

Love or Hate The Flash, This Scene Was Nothing Short of a Clown Show
Image credit: globallookpress

The superhero project that had been in the making for so long actually found its way to disappoint fans… as if there were not enough of them.

The long-awaited latest DC movie The Flash is finally on the big screen, which (for some people) means it's time to tear it apart with critical comments.

Some fans are claiming that this might be the first decent movie of the universe in a long time, and some are wishing they never saw it.

Beware of potential spoilers ahead; and if you're not afraid, let's rush in.

In fact, there was a lot of appreciation from DC fans who really liked the universe's first major dip into the multiverse, although the time travel attempt was so poorly handled that fans just try to look through their fingers at that disappointing fact.

Apart from that, The Flash a.k.a. Barry Allen, portrayed by the now scandalous Ezra Miller, also does a lot of other WTF things in the movie.

For example, the overwhelming majority of fans believes that a certain scene just made no sense and had no right to be in the movie. Yep, the notorious "baby shower."

At the beginning of the movie, as soon as Barry arrives at the hospital, it begins to collapse, and an entire floor of newborn babies starts falling out of windows.

This is followed by a rather ludicrous bit in which Barry uses his powers to rescue the babies in mid-air, using a stretcher to cushion their fall, and even placing one of them in an unplugged microwave, since too much direct contact with them could injure their delicate bodies.

"That sequence with the babies falling might well be the most ridiculous action scene I've seen in a superhero movie. Like all those babies should have died, they should've died just from the velocity they reached while falling. Nevermind the fact they'd again die from the impact of Barry touching them at that speed," Redditor mi-16evil said.

And as if the sight of The Flash tending to a bunch of low-res CGI babies wasn't insane enough, Barry also interrupts the rescue to take all of the snacks out of a vending machine that's flying through the air, boosting his low blood sugar in the process.

Needless to say, fans just didn't buy it. Most of them said they were happy this awful scene happened in the beginning. Some people even worried that the rest of the movie was going to be just as ridiculous.

If you want to decide for yourself whether these concerns were fair, The Flash is in theaters since June 15 for you to check out.