Malfoy, Draco Malfoy: What Has Tom Felton Been up to After Harry Potter?

Malfoy, Draco Malfoy: What Has Tom Felton Been up to After Harry Potter?
Image credit: Warner Bros.

He’s obviously not training for ballet!

Even though we saw the last Harry Potter movie 13 years ago, the discussions regarding the franchise’s characters and the actors who portrayed them aren’t going to subside in a while. The same is with the first movies’ antagonist, fierce and arrogant Draco Malfoy, who was convincingly played by Tom Felton, the fandom’s favorite blondie.

It can seem that the actor now stays out of the spotlight or is out of acting at all, however, he isn’t. Indeed, after his HP success Felton took smaller roles in a number of lesser-known projects, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth a try.

The same year when The Deathly Hallows – Part 2 was released, the Draco actor appeared in Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011), which gained a lot of hype at the time. The role of Dodge Landon marked a far cry from the role of Harry Potter’s rival.

Later, Felton starred in a bunch of notable films including The Apparition (2012), Against the Sun (2014), Message from the King, and A United Kingdom (both 2016), Braking for Whales (2019) and Some Other Woman (2023). However, they all didn’t attract as much attention as the historical romantic drama titled Ophelia (2018).

There, the actor portrayed Ophelia's brother Laertes, co-starring with Star Wars ’ Daisy Ridley, with whom it was initially hard to break the ice.

“'I think she’s quite a big Harry Potter fan, so I think she was just freaking out that Draco was her brother,' said Felton.

As for Felton’s TV career, there are some titles you should give a try too. Soon after the HP conclusion, the actor took part in two 2013’s drama miniseries, Labyrinth and Full Circle. Later he got a main role in the crime must-watch Murder in the First (2014).

More than that, Felton starred in the CW's The Flash ( 2016-2017) and in the YouTube Premium’s Origin (2018). These shows were hoped to bring the actor’s career its second wind, nevertheless, after that he didn’t participate in the projects of a similar scale.

While the actor is now mainly involved in making music, with his latest single ORaNgE aired last month, the Harry Potter fandom can’t wait to see him on big screens again.

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