Move Over, Geralt: 7 Side Characters So Iconic They Outshined the Leads

Everyone loves to follow a great protagonist, but there's no denying that even the best-written lead characters can't make a movie or show great without believable supporting characters.
And sometimes the supporting characters even manage to outshine the main ones, becoming so popular that people can no longer imagine projects without them.
Here are 7 supporting characters who stole the spotlight from the leads:
It's important to note that all of the characters mentioned above began their time on the shows rather modestly, serving as background support for the main characters. As time went on, however, the fans quickly realized how endearing and interesting they actually were, and demanded that the writers shift attention from the boring leads to them.
Of course, not all writers decided to follow the fans' wishes and refused to write more lines of dialogue for minor characters. For example, every "The Witcher " fan is pretty sure that if the writers had spent more time developing Jaskier instead of boring Yennefer, the show would have been much better than it is now.
"The Walking Dead " creators managed to capitalize perfectly on Daryl Dixon's popularity by not only making him one of the main characters of the main show, but also by creating a whole new show around him.
It would have been great to see other shows on this list do the same, don't you think?