Movies The Twilight Saga

Move, Team Edward: Twilight Millenials Have a New Heartthrob to Obsess Over

Move, Team Edward: Twilight Millenials Have a New Heartthrob to Obsess Over
Image credit: globallookpress

In 2008, the world was divided into two teams: Team Edward and Team Jacob. We are not here to argue which one is better (personally, we've always been Team Bella), but a new Twilight player has come to town to win our millennial hearts (and we are here for it).

We have grown up as a generation, and forever-17-year-old vampires are no longer our thing. Instead, it is time to acknowledge Charlie Swan's supremacy.

Bella's dad has been the voice of reason throughout all five movies that make no sense at all sometimes (along with the main characters).

Charlie is literally the only person to notice how creepy both Edward and Jacob are, and he reminds Bella of the importance of having pepper spray on her at all times (what a legend!).

When his psycho of a daughter runs away for three days with no explanation, what does Charlie do? First, he rescues her.

Second, he just grounds her. Imagine going to another country at 17 without your parents' permission or even knowing it – how fast would you be whooped? We bet faster than any vampire can move.

Bella has done a lot of stupid things, and one of them is definitely getting married so young (not to mention, to a complete sociopath of a vampire).

Move, Team Edward: Twilight Millenials Have a New Heartthrob to Obsess Over - image 1

Nevertheless, Charlie shows up at Bella and Edward's wedding and supports the happy couple all throughout. Do they deserve it? Hardly.

Let's not forget how stunning this Chief of Police looks.

During the events of the first installment, Charlie Swan, played by Billy Burke, is 44 years old, and his mustache along with his bravado and a sharp sense of humor have given us millennials daddy issues (or rather, daddy fetish) in the best way possible.

Team Edward is now officially Team Charlie because he is awesome and a complete saint for putting up with all this stuff for five movies.

Unlike Edward or Jacob, Charlie truly loves and cares for his daughter and does everything in his power to show it. We don't deserve him, but we are glad he is there.

We feel like doing a binge-watch of selected Charlie scenes. Be right back, just popping some popcorn… Join us?