One Detail From Avengers: Infinity War That Everyone Missed

The detail uncovers some truth about the Infinity Stones.
A Reddit user shared an interesting detail found in Avengers: Infinity War that many other viewers admitted having missed, even after rewatching the movie.
When Thanos got his hands on the last Infinity Stone that he pulled out of Vision's head, even after being hacked in the chest by Thor, he manages to accomplish his goal and snaps his fingers while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.
After this, Thanos has a vision where he meets little Gamora who is staying in front of some kind of gazebo.
Now here comes the interesting part. As it turns out, this is the same building where Gamora first met his future stepfather.
When Thanos killed half of the population of the Zen-Whoberi planet, he took and adopted a local little girl — Gamora. This happened at the exact same place as the one from his vision.
The vision that Thanos saw is apparently connected to the Soul World, and it makes sense that Thanos saw exactly this place. It was a turning point in both Gamora and Thanos' lives.
Gamora became one person this menacing and emotionless tyrant loved. And to get the Soul Stone, Thanos had to sacrifice her.
Interestingly enough, there was a deleted scene from Avengers: Endgame that featured the same vision, but this time it was Tony Stark's vision.
After he snapped his fingers and sacrificed himself, in the deleted scene he met his daughter Morgan who is now grown-up.
One theory suggests that Infinity Stones, by showing these visions, are trying to make the ones who used them think twice if it was worth it.
In Thanos' case, being a very powerful inhuman, he didn't die after using all the Stones. However, the Stones reminded him that he had to sacrifice the only person he loved and cared for, to achieve his mad goals.
When it comes to Stark, he sacrificed his life when used the Stones.
The vision of his adult daughter might imply that Stark would never see his daughter growing up, and that was the price he paid.
Source: Reddit