One Friends Storyline That Lasted For Years Only to End Up as a Plot Hole

The stories with no finale are the worst.
Friends certainly had a lot going on during its ten-season run. There were many failed love stories, tons of jokes, plenty of painful revelations and oh so many fights. We saw Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Ross, Joey and Chandler in all sorts of situations and watched them deal with the strangest dilemmas of their lives.
There are many side characters in the show that were actually really important to its overall narrative. And the most pivotal ones are probably the parents of our gang. There were a lot of hilarious storylines with the Gellers, a bit of a dramatic storyline with Joey's folks. And let's not even get started on Chandler's twisted family.
But Phoebe's family storyline was the most complicated of all. Let's start with the fact that we learn at the very beginning that her mother killed herself when she was a teenager, and her father left the family even earlier.
Somehow she ended up living on the streets, but eventually found her way to her grandmother and started living with her. Throughout the show, little details about her family were revealed, and she found out that she had a brother, and even started a sort of sibling relationship with him.
She even discovered that her birth mother is very much alive, and in the middle of the show she even finds her long lost father. But it all seemed to be for nothing.
The thing is, she put so much thought and energy into finding her family and understanding her roots in the earlier seasons, that when she finally did, we were really happy for her to be reunited with them. But instead, we got very different things.
The storyline of Phoebe finding her father was pretty big. There were even several whole episodes dedicated to it. But when she finally finds him, it's the first and last time we actually hear from him.
A lot of fans were really bothered by that. It's one thing for the writers not to make her mom and dad regular characters, but not to mention them at all? Even in the storyline of their daughter's wedding? Well, that's just weird.
“He finally shows up and then literally never even gets a single mention ever again? Not even a ‘oh no, the snow means my mom, dad and Frank and Alice all can’t get to my wedding’ It’s the single most annoying plot point in the whole show for me,” Redditor inkGinFairy said.
Well, there's no way to rewrite history, but there's certainly a way to be less angry about it. Let's just assume that the new family she's created with Mike makes up for her past family difficulties.