One Tragedy That Brings Sheldon Cooper and Jim Parsons Closer Together

One Tragedy That Brings Sheldon Cooper and Jim Parsons Closer Together
Image credit: CBS

That’s not the level of understanding any actor would wish to have with their character.

The Internet is full of real-life examples and incredible myths about the lengths to which actors are willing to go to get closer to their characters.

It is understandable: they need to get inside the characters' heads and bodies, understand their motives and feelings, get their memories, and become one with them, no matter how different they are in real life.

Many Hollywood celebrities are big fans of method acting, so they are willing to fully immerse themselves in their characters, even if it causes some problems for them or the people around them.

You may have heard of Christian Bale losing a truly alarming amount of weight, or Natalie Portman exhausting herself with ballet lessons. These are prime examples of how method acting works and allows actors to get a better understanding of who they are portraying.

Sometimes, however, no method is needed for the actor to find a personal, deep connection to their character. This was the case with Jim Parsons and the role of Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, a project that brought him initial success and recognition.

The thing that Jim and Sheldon have in common is not as funny as you might think, given the nature of the show. In fact, it is truly heartbreaking.

We all know that Sheldon eventually lost his father to a very sudden heart attack. Or at least that's what we were told before George Cooper suddenly became a fan favorite and the writers practically refused to write him off for Young Sheldon.

Jim Parsons also lost his father, and the death was unexpected for both of his family members. His father died in a tragic car accident at the age of 52, and the actor has missed his presence ever since.

So much so that in 2016, he visited the television show Long Island Medium in an attempt to communicate with him.

Unfortunately, the tragedy cannot be undone in real life, but George Cooper still has a chance to be saved. In the finale of Young Sheldon season 6, he is alive and well, and fans are sure to see him back in even better shape for season 7.

One Tragedy That Brings Sheldon Cooper and Jim Parsons Closer Together - image 1

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