Peter Jackson's Cameos In LotR And Hobbit Movies You Probably Missed

Many directors like to make cameo appearances in their movies. Peter Jackson is no exception.
After the release of each new Peter Jackson movie, his fans go through their favorite quest – finding the director.
Sometimes it's quite difficult, because Peter either changes a lot due to the use of make-up, or appears in such an unusual way that it's hard to believe it's him.
The director thinks that the more grotesque his cameo, the more fun and interesting it is.
Most of Jackson's fans are interested in his roles in two famous trilogies: The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
The Fellowship of the Ring
In The Fellowship of the Ring, Peter Jackson made a cameo appearance as a man named Albert Dreary. He can be seen roughly chewing a carrot and burping loudly as the Hobbits enter the dark, rain-soaked town.
Albert was originally supposed to smoke a pipe, but Jackson became nauseous after a few takes and it was eventually decided to replace the pipe with a carrot.
The Two Towers
Near the end of the second movie, The Two Towers, Jackson appeared on screen as one of the Rohirrim Warriors who fought valiantly in Helm's Deep.
Dressed in armor, the warrior furiously hurled his spear at the falling Uruk-hai.
The Return of the King
About halfway through The Return of the King, the director landed another fleeting role as one of the pirates aboard the Black Ships.
He appears in a few shots brandishing his weapon and standing directly behind the boatswain of the ship.
Aragorn orders Legolas to fire a warning shot past the boatswain's ear, but unfortunately for Jackson's character, Gimli deflects the shot and the arrow hits the pirate right in the chest.
An Unexpected Journey
The first Hobbit movie begins with a prologue that tells of Smaug's attack on Erebor and Thranduil's refusal to help the fleeing victims.
If you look closely, you can see that one of the dwarves running from the dragon is none other than Jackson.
It is hard to make him out – a long, thick beard and eyebrows, as well as a prosthetic nose, distract the viewers.
The Desolation of Smaug
In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Peter Jackson played…Albert Dreary.
Again. He is just as grumpy, but it is unclear how this character could appear in both films, given the decades between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Perhaps Albert of The Hobbit is an older brother, uncle, or other relative of the original Albert.
He appears in a prologue flashback that introduces viewers to the despondent Thorin's fateful meeting with Gandalf at The Prancing Pony.
The Battle of the Five Armies
Peter Jackson ends his series of cameos in Middle-earth with a small role at the very end of the trilogy. This time, however, he does not appear in person.
After returning to his ransacked home, Bilbo begins to tidy his house up. One of the first things the Hobbit did was to hang portraits of his parents.
The image of Jackson was used to create a painting of Bungo Baggins, Bilbo's father.