Phineas from Phineas and Ferb Starred in... The Walking Dead, And You Didn't Even Notice

Phineas from Phineas and Ferb Starred in... The Walking Dead, And You Didn't Even Notice
Image credit: Disney Channel, AMC

One major downside of being a voice actor is that people often don't recognize you.

Ever had one of those moments when you're watching a TV show, minding your own business, and suddenly you see a familiar face you’ve seen somewhere before? Of course you have.

But if we are talking about animated shows, there is no way you can recognize an actor in a live-action role (until you know how they look). As bizarre as it sounds, there's a quirky connection between the animated world of Phineas and Ferb and the zombie-infested realities of The Walking Dead.

If you are a fan of Phineas and Ferb, you might've missed a familiar voice of the triangular-headed, endlessly creative Phineas. Yes, the same voice actor who brings Phineas to life has appeared on The Walking Dead.

The talented Vincent Martella, mostly recognized for his lively voicing of Phineas Flynn in the animated series, stepped into the grim world of The Walking Dead during its fourth season.

Phineas from Phineas and Ferb Starred in... The Walking Dead, And You Didn't Even Notice - image 1

In a stark contrast to his cheerful Disney persona, Martella played a character named Patrick, one of the teenage survivors. You might have simply forgotten him, because Patrick wasn't around for long (you know how it is in the zombie world), but it was still a surprising appearance.

You may remember Patrick as the first victim of the unknown disease that spread in the prison. He dies from the disease at night and reanimates, taking the lives of several people.

While you might not have noticed this fun crossover at first, the moment you hear Patrick speak on The Walking Dead, a hint of Phineas's enthusiastic tone might just hit a nostalgic chord.

Imagine for a second a crossover episode where the Phineas and Ferb gang ends up in the The Walking Dead universe. While it's just wishful thinking, it's fun to ponder.

Vincent Martella’s other live-action roles in TV shows include The Mentalist, R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour, Love Bites. You might also remember him as Greg from Everybody Hates Chris. Yes, it was Vincent Martella. Tyler James Williams who portrayed Chris also made it to The Walking Dead in its fifth season.