Seven Heart-wrenching Songs by Male K-pop Idols

If the sadness in your heart is overflowing, just put this playlist on.
Autumn brings a melancholic and sentimental mood to many of us, but good ballads can touch your heartstrings on any day. Especially if you're going through something, you want to feel like you're not drifting in sadness alone. Korean songs with beautiful vocal melodies and relatable lyrics could become a comfort to those of us who seek it.
Here is a list of songs that have helped many K-pop fans through difficult times in their lives.
Day6 – Hurt Road
"You and I both know that it's not an easy road…
If I was you, I would hug myself without saying.
If you were me, you'd probably be sobbing in those arms."
Life isn't an easy road for sure, and for some people, sadness or pain becomes their long-time companion. Just a hug from someone close to you is enough to keep you holding on, and Hurt Road is a song describing these particular feelings. Day6 is known for its raw rock ballads with honest sincere lyrics, and many of its songs are dedicated to comforting people having a hard time. Other tracks like I'll Try, I Need Someone, and Zombie are also definitely worth listening to.
BOBBY & JU-NE (iKON ) – Raining
"I'm breaking after one or two drinks. I drink until I can drown my loneliness.
Hold me down, bury me alive. It's a night when I don't want to exist."
This song, filled with raw emotions from the first line to the last one, describes a lonely night when drinks are one's only companions. Bobby is iKON's main rapper known for his honest messages in lyrics, and along with JU-NE's rough voice, they create a heart-piercing track many could relate to. Two artists are sending the SOS signal through this song, hoping that after the rainy day in their hearts, a sun would come out.
SHINee – Selene 6.23 (Sunwoojunga x ONEW version)
"Just smile for me once, I can endure it just by seeing your face.
A call to someone who can't be reached anymore."
Even though the song is usually sung by SHINee, we want to show you the cover version performed on a music TV show Sea of Hope by Onew, Shinee's member, and Sunwoojung, a solo Korean singer and songwriter. Her voice adds additional genuine sorrowful emotion to Onew's powerful vocals. The sea waves also helped create a candid melancholic atmosphere.
Selene 6.23 was written by SHINee's Kim Jonghyun for fans who are far away just like a moon in the sky. Onew was fighting back tears during singing, and we are almost sure you would get tears too from this cover.
The Rose – She's in the Rain
"You wanna make yourself go through the pain. It's better to be held than holding on."
The Rose main vocalist Woosung has a unique voice that goes so well with the emotional rock song. She's in the Rain's lyrical hero who comforts a girl he cares about and tries to make her feel better. It's a comforting song, however, the strong vocals, sincere lyrics and powerful instrumentals are able to make you feel some sort of catharsis because the singers' emotions just can't help but overflow.
B.I – Help Me
"I'm a liar, I tell my family I'm alright, but I feel like I'm going to die.
Somebody help me take off my smiling mask."
Another song that has the artist's personal story behind it. B.I had created a whole album Waterfall, expressing his sorrows and hardships in life for his solo debut. Poetic lyrics contain the rapper's cry for help and inability to admit when you don't feel okay. With such a sincere message and his soulful vocals, B.I easily tugs at everyone's heartstrings.
Another Day – Stray Kids
"Whenever I wake up, my breathing is short and my brain's hazy for a bit
There's another meaningless day, and at the end, I repeat this again, yeah."
When you're sad, it feels like going on a loop over and over again, without finding any meaning to a new day. Stray Kids is known for its powerful energetic tracks, but Another Day shows its unusual sentimental side. Many listeners can relate to the hardships described in this song, and it's another case of Stray Kids showing you are not alone in this life.
Seventeen – Hug
"Whenever you're having a hard time, you can be hugged by me, I'm the same.
Can you tell yourself who had a hard time: I'm here. I've worked hard. I love you. I will hug you"
When you need comfort the most, Seventeen is here to provide you. One warm hug could go a long way, and this song certainly feels like one. Seventeen's gentle soothing voices will embrace you and hold you through any sad moment. The lyrics of this song remind listeners to not be harsh on themselves, and sometimes this is the message everyone needs to hear. Tell yourself you worked hard, you deserve it.
WOOSEOK (Pentagon) X KUANLIN – Always Difficult, Always Beautiful
"There's still a long way to think about giving up."
This song is more on the bright side. The artist accepts that living is difficult yet beautiful nonetheless. Wooseok's strong vocals and sincere message will give you the strength to keep going no matter what. This song can lessen the burden on many listeners. Maybe what's really important, after all, is to find small happiness in our everyday life.