'Stranger Things': Here is What Eddie's Tattoos Really Mean

'Stranger Things': Here is What Eddie's Tattoos Really Mean
Image credit: Legion-Media

There were few that could have predicted what a pivotal role Eddie Munson would play in season four of 'Stranger Things'. The beguiled metalhead evolves from leader of the Hellfire Club to town scapegoat before tackling fear in the season finale.

Thus, when Dustin and Wayne meet to mourn his legacy the two share a bittersweet moment. They acknowledge how Eddie will remain misunderstood by the residents of Hawkins despite his heroic actions.

However, it doesn't appear Eddie has been forgotten at all.

Recently, Amy L. Forsythe – lead makeup artist for 'Stranger Things ' – admitted as much in an interview with Insider. In the interview, Forsythe acknowledged that the aura of Eddie Munson had transformed into a fixation among the cult following of the most popular Netflix series of all-time.

In fact, Forsythe revealed she was surprised the wardrobe and tattoos would resonate so well with fans. It's even inspired many to replicate with their own Munson-inspired body ink.

So, what's the inspiration behind Eddie Munson's tattoos?

The makeup artist recently opened up in a candid interview to provide rare insights behind Eddie. For starters, Forsythe was completely unaware that both the 'Master of Puppets' and bats tattoos would serve as foreshadowing later on in the season. Rather, the artist was tasked with presenting Eddie Munson with an appearance that was suitable for his role in Corroded Coffin.

Nevertheless, Forsythe did admit that makeup artists always strive to have the subtle details of the character sprinkled into the appearance. Thus, when the makeup department was determining what to do with Eddie's arm it felt like inking bats would fit the metal persona. Moreover, the team drew inspiration from the character Vecna to design the 'Master of Puppets' tattoo. Coincidentally, it all meshed together as Eddie strums the solo to the iconic Metallica song during the final episode.

'Stranger Things': Here is What Eddie's Tattoos Really Mean - image 1
Eddie Munson's bat tattoo

According to Forsythe, the script noted that Eddie had tattoos yet provided little else direction. Additionally, since Eddie was known for sporting a long-sleeve jacket throughout the fourth season, the makeup team wasn't even sure if audiences would ever see the tattoos. Of course, that all changes in the finale as Eddie saves a town that was never fond of his existence.

While 'Stranger Things' awaits a fifth (and final) season, Forsythe and her department are pleased that fans found a connection with the outcast of Hawkins High School. The amount of Eddie Munson tattoo fan art that circulates online makes the team feel like they did their job, and it shows. Audiences found a bond so deep with the character that they are willing to get permanent ink on their body to prove it.

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