TBBT: Proof That Leonard Was the Reason Behind Every Break-Up with Penny

TBBT: Proof That Leonard Was the Reason Behind Every Break-Up with Penny
Image credit: CBS

The on-again / off-again relationship between Leonard and Penny is central to The Big Bang Theory.

It all started in the very first episode when the beautiful Penny moved into the apartment across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon. Leonard was smitten instantly, uttering the phrase that their babies would be smart and beautiful.

After 12 seasons and 279 episodes, Leonard's wish came true. Penny was his wife, and they were expecting their first baby.

But it was a rocky road to get there…

When Leonard finally mustered the courage to ask Penny out and they had one date, it never became anything more because Leonard foolishly pointed out that she was worried about not being smart enough to date him.

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Rather than soothe the situation, he made things worse, and they stayed friends.

It was not until Leonard went to the North Pole with the other guys that Penny started realising she had feelings for him. Upon his return, she enthusiastically kisses him. While they do have a setback when Sheldon briefly runs away and Leonard needs to go to Texas and bring him back, they do officially start dating.

And Leonard makes a series of terrible mistakes. But the worst is his pressuring her to say that she loves him. Penny clearly is not ready for this, and he becomes so childish and belligerent about it that she ultimately has no choice but to break up with him.

The pair do eventually get back together but have their fair share of hurdles. Leonard's insecurities and jealousy rear the ugly heads on several occasions.

The most notable of these hiccups is when Penny is partnered with a male for a college project, when her ex-boyfriend Zac offers her a job, and when she invites a male friend to stay on her couch.

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Penny may not be innocent in all this, she does have a temper and can be intimidating, but she only becomes defensive when Leonard behaves as though he does not trust her.

This is ironic because, despite all they endure together, it is ultimately Leonard that cheats on Penny. He kisses another girl, whom he shockingly still works with when he goes to the North Sea on a science expedition.

And when does he tell Penny about this?

When they are driving in the car, on their way to finally get married. Mercifully, Penny agrees to go ahead with the wedding and they manage to get past this without breaking up again, but it is still another epic screw-up from Leonard.

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