The 11 Longest Netflix Series to Binge-Watch in 2024

Tired of watching the same few shows over and over again?
And short binge-watches of miniseries and one-season shows no longer seem substantial enough? Well, it looks like a week-long binge is just what you need to get your mojo back, and luckily for you, in our age of streaming and digital content, the number of shows that will grab you from the first episode and not let go until the finale is almost limitless.
It's no secret that most long-form shows are pretty good at keeping viewers glued to the screen, otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to last for so many seasons, so almost any decade-long show will provide you with insanely satisfying binge-watching.
Here are the best long binge-worthy shows on Netflix in 2024:
As you can see, all of the shows on this list will take you at least 100 hours to complete, which is obviously a huge responsibility for all binge-watching fans. However, we are sure that each and every one of the above projects will keep you on your toes for that entire astronomical length, so rest assured that your wildest binge-watching dreams will come true.
But be warned - if you decide to sign up for any of the shows we suggest, you won't be able to stop halfway through, because the suspense and intrigue will keep you up at night for at least a month!