The 9 Weirdest Black Mirror Episodes Ever Aired

The 9 Weirdest Black Mirror Episodes Ever Aired
Image credit: Legion-Media

Black Mirror's whole intention is to creep you out and make you think, but even in a show that exists to be weird, these episodes take it a little bit too far.

Whether it hits too close to our current level of technology or just feels extra bizarre — they're still confusing.

The tone of the Black Mirror anthology has changed drastically over seasons, and what felt at first like a sci-fi and cyberpunk dystopia that had reflected the troubles that could be creeping up on us in the near future became something even stranger in the latter seasons. The early ones, as we now see, were, sadly, quite accurate in their depictions of the extremely digitized world that we're living in now, and that's exactly what makes them strange.

They're too grotesque and yet painfully relatable, which creates the Uncanny Valley effect, just in the shape of a TV show. Black Mirror, as its name says, reflects society, and sometimes it does it in an extremely disturbing way, highlighting things that usually get glossed over in a way that you can't ignore anymore.

It's deliberately made that way: to make you think and reflect while you're being entertained and disgusted.