The Walking Dead's Timeline Is a Mess Even Die-Hard Fans Can't Take Seriously

The Walking Dead's timeline is as wild as its zombies.
- The Walking Dead series has a complex narrative spanning over 10 years and 11 seasons.
- The timeline from the start of the show to the end of season 8 spans about 18 months.
- Fans have found the show's timeline confusing and disconnected, with significant events occurring within unrealistic timeframes.
The Walking Dead series, spanning over 10 years and 11 seasons, along with its numerous, has constructed a complex narrative, but there is one big problem.
The show’s timeline is a mess, according to many fans. Let’s find out why.
Everything We Now About The Walking Dead Timeline
Rick wakes up from a coma about two months after everything went to chaos, finding society collapsed. The timeline from the start of season 1 to the end of season 8 (before the time jump) spans about 18 months.
Season 9 sees Rick sacrifice himself and a significant time skip of about six years following his supposed death.
Why The Walking Dead’s Timeline Left Fans Facepalming
Once again, seasons 1-8 take place within about two years. Can you believe that? For example, season 4 spans less than two weeks. So many things happened, and the creators expect us to believe that it all happened within two years? No way.
One fan shared how they used to track the show's timeline, noting day and night scenes within each episode, because the timeline was so confusing it almost ruined the show for them.
The broken timeline is actually a problem. One fan calculated that Maggie lost Hershel and Beth within a week of each other in the show's timeline, even though for us viewers, these deaths were like a year apart.
It is really emotionally disconnecting when you have no clue about the time that's passed between two crucial moments your favorite characters have gone through.
The Walking Dead’ timeline is as tangled as a bowl of spaghetti. Whether it's cramming several seasons into a two-year in-show period or dealing with time jumps that leave fans scratching their heads, it seems like that keeping track of time in the zombie apocalypse is no easy feat.
Source: Reddit