These 13 Movies End So Badly, They'll Ruin the Whole Experience

Even though the ending only takes up a small portion of the movie's running time, its importance to the quality of the overall picture cannot be overlooked. After all, a bad finale can ruin everything that comes before it, and discourage fans from ever watching the movie again.
A bad finale makes all the storylines redundant and betrays the trust the audience had in the movie. All in all, if the screenwriter fails to write a proper finale to the story he has created, it basically means that the movie will be no good.
Here are 13 movie endings that ruined the whole movie:
There's nothing more detrimental to the quality of a movie than a finale that comes out of nowhere. It shouldn't be that hard for screenwriters to understand that fans want to see characters wrap up their time on screen based on their actions, not with the help of invisible forces, but they keep making the same mistake.
And while it's heartbreaking to see a bad finale ruin a movie of questionable quality like "Twilight, " it's even more depressing to see a genuine masterpiece like "Easy Rider" end with a whimper of an ending.
It's unclear how the producers allowed the above-mentioned movies to end the way they did, but one thing is clear - nothing can be changed, and both the characters and the fans are left with finales they never deserved.
Here's the complete list of all the films mentioned here: The Devil Inside (2012), I Am Legend (2007), Jurassic World: Dominion ( 2022), Eden Lake (2008), Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part Two (2012), Right At Your Door (2006), The Woman In Black (2012), Play Dirty (1969), Switchblade Romance (2003), Brazil (1985), The Horse Whisperer (1998), Easy Rider (1969), Fallen (1998).