Star Wars The Boys Disney+

This New Disney+ Series With 100% on RT Is the Best Star Wars Project of the Year

This New Disney+ Series With 100% on RT Is the Best Star Wars Project of the Year
Image credit: Disney+

Yes, it's a Star Wars series you definitely should see.

Disney+ has released Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, an animated miniseries based on the Lego Star Wars franchise that has turned the whole universe on its head.

Basic knowledge of Star Wars is still required, but if the viewer is already involved in this universe, Rebuild the Galaxy is safe to watch with children. No taboos are touched upon here, and fights are depicted in the most vegetarian way possible. Besides, everyone will find something to laugh about and something to think about.

What Is Rebuild the Galaxy About?

On the planet Fennesa live two shepherds, brothers Sig and Dev Greebling. Dev dreams of leaving this boring planet to seek adventure and make his mark on history. Sig, on the other hand, is happy with his life, does not want to leave his comfort zone, and is a little embarrassed by the Force that manifested in him a few years ago.

One day, after getting into trouble during a storm, the boys find an ancient Jedi temple, and inside the temple – a glowing thing that looks like it could buy a ticket off this planet. The thing turns out to be the cornerstone of order in the galaxy.

Now everything in the world has been sorted out, brick by brick, and reassembled in a new order. Only Sig, the suddenly appearing temple guard Jedi Bob and the robot Servo remember the old world.

Rebuild the Galaxy Is Based on a Very Curious Idea

The creators of the project, Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit, were guided by a very conscious artistic philosophy. Typically, Lego sets are thrown together in a single pile in a box. When the pieces are shaken out and reassembled, a new Star Wars world is created each time.

While previous Lego Star Wars franchise series developed new storylines within a given reality, or engaged in comedic re-imaginings of classic storylines, Hernandez and Samit opted for a major reassembly.

Rebuild the Galaxy Is a Perfect Family Show

In terms of its central conflict, Restore the Galaxy stays true to the Star Wars tradition and places family rivalry at the forefront. After reality has been reshuffled, Sig remains on the Light Side, while his brother Dev is on the Dark Side.

But the concept of the Force also has been revised. Sig turns out to be a Force Builder – a Jedi who levitates objects not so much to throw them at someone, but to construct and create things literally on the fly. And the dark side of the Force is, of course, the Sith Destroyers.

In the end, it turned out to be a perfect family series and simply one of the best Star Wars projects in recent years, as evidenced by the Rotten Tomatoes scores – 100% from critics and 86% from audiences.