This Surprising HotD Character Was Designed to Have 'Failed White Boy Rapper' Vibes

This Surprising HotD Character Was Designed to Have 'Failed White Boy Rapper' Vibes
Image credit: HBO

We’re certain you won’t guess who we’re talking about, but when you learn the answer, we’re also certain you’ll find it as hilarious as we did. It’s quite a surprise!

Since Game of Thrones was the biggest and meanest TV show of all time, after its finale, the successor show, House of the Dragon, was up to a huge challenge: without coming off as a knock-off GoT, it had to find its own way to become monumental, grand, and original while sticking true to its predecessor. Quite a task.

Fortunately, HBO already knew the potential of George Martin ’s world, so it spared no expense at the new show, hiring the best of the best to build upon the everlasting — and, frankly speaking, incredibly lucrative for the channel — legacy of Game of Thrones. And build upon it they did, in various and ultimately brilliant ways.

One of the exciting new ideas the House of the Dragon creators came up with was to make dragons more unique. Not in terms of their appearances, no: they wanted each dragon to have an actual personality, a character.

We can’t help but praise this decision as it’s one of the most fitting ideas for the show focused on the Targaryens.

This Surprising HotD Character Was Designed to Have 'Failed White Boy Rapper' Vibes - image 1

The show’s sound supervisor Al Sirkett recently spoke to Collider about it and revealed how the creators’ approach turned the sound design for HotD into a fun challenge for his team.

“A lot of people would think about the dragons and it's just a big roar, and [Paula] brought so much more to it than that. The descriptions that Ryan and Miguel gave for these characters, for these dragon characters, were never, ‘I want the dragon to be like this.’ They would describe it in human terms,” Sirkett told Collider.

The personality traits the dragons were assigned even included a “failed white boy rapper” — of course, it was the description for Caraxes, Daemon Targaryen’s mount.

“Caraxes was described by Miguel in one meeting as the ‘failed white boy rapper.’ Thinks he's the coolest guy on the block. Just thinks he's just full of it, he’s so fantastic and amazing, but he's not. He's a bit of an idiot. Nobody really likes him and none of the other dragons really want to hang out with him,” laughs Al.

We were thoroughly shocked after hearing these words because somehow, they perfectly sum up Caraxes’s vibes — but we never thought of him as a “failed white boy rapper.” The description fits Daemon Targaryen’s dragon so neatly that we can’t help but praise the House of the Dragon creators for such attention to detail.

You thought the title was about Daemon himself, didn’t you?

Source: Collider