This TBBT Character Has to Be Sheldon’s Mortal Enemy #1, According to Fans

In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper sure has a long list of mortal enemies, though not all of them really deserve to be on there.
Sheldon Cooper is one petty guy, and he isn’t afraid to show it. His mortal enemies’ list is by no means exclusive – you don’t even have to be a sentient being to end up on it. After all, Matilda Sparks, Billy’s chicken on Young Sheldon, has earned her spot by simply being terrifying (at least, in Sheldon’s opinion).
Let’s settle on who Sheldon considers his worst enemy. No, it’s not Matilda, that would be too ridiculous even for this genius. Reddit fans are on the fence about the whole thing, but the top candidates seem to be Barry Kripke and Leslie Winkle.
Both know how to get under Sheldon’s skin, that’s for sure. Barry has undermined Sheldon on several occasions (like when they co-write a paper and Barry has some pretty strong words about Sheldon’s work), but he has also recognized Sheldon’s intelligence. Also, they do share similar views science-wise. Barry is annoying, but Sheldon ultimately respects him deep down.
The same can’t be said for Leslie. Sheldon has zero respect for Leslie. She is the original “nemesis” on The Big Bang Theory. Leslie constantly puts Sheldon down, and she has had the audacity to correct his equations on his board (her “There are no incorrect equations on my board” line alone is infuriating to him). Plus, Leslie is much more likable than Sheldon, and that pisses him off.
Eventually, Sheldon forms a sort of friendly relationship with both Barry and Leslie (she is even at his birthday party), but there’s no denying that he once hated Leslie more. The real question is who is Sheldon’s mortal enemy number one now?
While we might never find that out, we may learn who used to be on his list. Young Sheldon’s season 7 may hold all kinds of surprises in store for us!
Source: Reddit