Top 5 Most Loved TV Villains, Ranked From Baddie To Menace To Society

Top 5 Most Loved TV Villains, Ranked From Baddie To Menace To Society
Image credit: BBC, Amazon Studios

Antiheroes are as popular as ever, and here’s the list to prove it.

The tendency to fall in love with antagonists has been strong in any fandom culture at any time. The villains have held almost more power over dedicated fans than the heroes, often because of the complicated and tragic nature of their characters. After all, there's nothing people can relate to more than trauma.

Here are the top 5 antiheroes from TV shows that stole the hearts of the audience, no matter how horrible they actually are, ranked by the intensity of their crimes.

5. Fleabag

This one is for all the girls who either saw themselves in Fleabag or were fascinated by her. Although she's not the hero you'd be rooting for, Phoebe Waller-Bridge's great writing and acting make her relatable and vulnerable in the moments you least expect. It is also quite reassuring to see her character develop.

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4. Alicent Hightower (House of the Dragon )

Although the book Alicent was much more intense than the show's, House of The Dragon created one of the most ambiguous antagonists on television by making her stand for everything that is right in the world.

You can relate to Alicent, you can empathize with Alicent, and you can definitely agree that she deserves better. This is what makes her so interesting to watch.

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3. Negan (The Walking Dead )

When someone gets a full spinoff just to explore their character further, it is a good sign that they are extremely popular with the fandom. Thanks to an extremely emotional and intense introduction, Negan made an impression on viewers that only grew stronger with each passing episode.

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2. Dexter Morgan (Dexter)

To call someone with blood on his hands an antihero would be an understatement: Dexter Morgan is a maniac and a serial killer on the run from the law. But the audience still stands behind him, thanks to the larger idea of only killing those who truly "deserve" it.

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1. Homelander (The Boys )

This is a true example of a wolf in sheep's clothing terrorizing not only those around him but the whole world, Homelander, beloved in the universe of The Boys. In a show full of violence and cruelty, it's not surprising that the audience turned to the center of the chaos. Besides, it's just too hard to resist the charisma of Antony Starr.

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