Movies The Twilight Saga

Twilight's GTA Mode: That Time When Cullens Broke Every Law Just to Cover Up For Bella

Twilight's GTA Mode: That Time When Cullens Broke Every Law Just to Cover Up For Bella
Image credit: globallookpress

Many amazing scenes from the Twilight books didn't make it into the movies.

It happens all the time with adaptations, and book fans are always prompting everyone else to read the original series to learn some crucial bits of information or to check out that great moment that was cut out by the director…

But even if you couldn't care less for the Twilight lore and don't want to read the books no matter what, there's one scene you must know about — it was not shown properly in the movies but it's as savage as it gets.

How about the Cullen family committing a dozen crimes in a row, GTA-style?

In Midnight Sun, after Bella's fight with James, the Cullens go not the extra mile — the extra to-the-moon-and-back distance to cover up the true reason behind Bella's injuries.

They steal a car from the airport parking lot, get on it to the highway, and use it to run a random woman off the road. After that, they knock her unconscious with a sedative, leave her on the side of the road, and steal her car instead because it's faster and has no license plates.

While speeding at 200 mph, they intentionally create a massive car crash with other random drivers to distract the cops. Upon arriving and saving Bella, they also commit arson by burning down the ballet studio where the fight took place.

They take Bella to the hospital and there, Alice comes up with a cover-up plan.

It begins with… Stealing other patients' blood bags and their personal belongings then traveling to a hotel and tricking the receptionist into filling in the wrong arrival time.

And it doesn't slow down from there: with Jasper covering up the noise, she yeets herself off the stairs and through the second-floor window and sprays the blood she stole from the hospital everywhere to make it look like Bella hurt herself there by falling through the window.

They scare the hotel staff into cleaning up without calling the police since they had a safety liability on their premises…

After that, there's a lot of car action involved: painting them with blood, cleaning them up, switching them, returning or leaving them in random places, getting new ones, and all that stuff…

They're basically tying up all the loose ends — the timings and the evidence.

In the middle of all those car shenanigans, the Cullens also find time to do some shopping to buy the clothes, suitcases, and other things to make their flight story believable, and then some of them get back to Forks and Seattle to drive Bella's truck all the way to Phoenix on a low flatbed truck because Bella's father believes that she ran away in it…

This is some serious dedication to the cause coming from the Cullen family — and a life sentence worth of crimes committed in the shortest period of time.

They really wanted to help Bella cover up before her father, Charlie… But was it really that necessary to go full GTA mode to explain her wounds?