Movies The Twilight Saga

Unpopular Twilight Opinion Suggest Renesmee Isn't the Worst Name Ever

Unpopular Twilight Opinion Suggest Renesmee Isn't the Worst Name Ever
Image credit: Legion-Media

Renesmee might not be that terrible, but it's so much fun to make fun of.

Besides getting an infamous imprinting storyline, Bella and Edward Cullen's daughter was also given one of the most frowned-upon fictional names. However, as a Reddit discussion shows, some Twilight fans think the name Renesmee is not that bad, and the outrage about it is overdone.

The girl actually has a well-considered name. Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-nez-may) was chosen by Bella and is a combination of the names Renee, Bella's mother, and Esme, Edward's adoptive mother.

Stephenie Meyer has put lots of symbolism into the name. Renesmee was the first of her kind (or at least the characters thought so when choosing the name). As a vampire-human hybrid with lots of unique powers, she seems to be an upgraded human. Renee means "rebirth" or "born again." Esme means "esteemed" or "beloved." Therefore her name, like herself is unique and means "The one who is born again and consequently highly esteemed and beloved."

It is quite a beautiful meaning, and many fans in the discussion admitted they liked the name. One commenter even admitted considering this name for her baby:

"I'm pregnant and if it's a girl her name will be Renesmee. [... I] think it's beautiful and [has] many options for nicknames."

However, when the name first appeared in the movie attached to a baby radiating undeniable uncanny valley vibes, it has quickly become a meme. Fans started dunking on the name and calling Bella and Edward's daughter various R-words like Renaissance, Refridgerator, or Rest Stop. It has become a fun meme game that always guarantees a laugh when one Twihards meets another in a discussion, and any of them writes Ravioli instead of Renesmee. So for many fans, Renesmee is not a terrible name, it is just a reason to have fun.

That said, there are fans who wholeheartedly hate the name and the idea to put two ordinary names together to make a unique one. Many think that Renesmee is an out-of-character choice for Bella considering her down-to-earth approach to life. According to the book series, the boy name option was Edward Jacob which was much more characteristic of Bella.

"We could've gotten Edwob or Jakward," one of the fans commented, joking about the name-smashing approach Bella has taken with the girl's name.