TV Netflix

Was Sara's Husband in American Primeval Even Real? The Answer Will Surprise You

Was Sara's Husband in American Primeval Even Real? The Answer Will Surprise You
Image credit: Netflix

The woman's story is a convincing one, but her actions are at odds with her words.

Netflix released a new original series, American Primeval, which became one of the streaming service's biggest hits. Peter Berg's historical drama is set in 1857 in Utah.

Several groups are trying to gain control of the country's western territories. A mysterious woman and her child, pursued by gangs of thugs, find themselves at the epicenter of hell.

American Primeval Keeps Viewers Guessing With Unanswered Questions

Sara and her 13-year-old son Devin are traveling to California to visit his father. The woman hides a dangerous secret: she killed a man, and now there is a price on her head. Silent Isaac agrees to guide the woman across snow-covered ridges, rivers and valleys filled with thugs – just like his companion, he has a closet full of skeletons.

Was Sara's Husband in American Primeval Even Real? The Answer Will Surprise You - image 1

Not all the storylines are developed equally, and by the end some of them are completely blended into a strange substance of unanswered questions and secrets. The show ends in mid-sentence, with a slight hint at a next season or spin-off.

Such an understatement leaves the viewer with many questions, and one of the most important is whether Sara's story about her husband was real at all, and who was the man she killed?

Sara Probably Lied About Her "Husband"

Was Sara's Husband in American Primeval Even Real? The Answer Will Surprise You - image 2

Sara tells a compelling story – she needs to get to Crook Springs to find her husband. Near the end, however, she completely abandons this idea, seemingly forgetting that she went in search of her beloved husband in the first place.

According to one fan theory, there never was a "husband." Most likely, Sara's son was born out of wedlock. Devin's father, probably unaware of the pregnancy, went West, and Sara began a new relationship.

Judging from the photos shown in the series, Sara was married to this mysterious man. He beat Sara, but when he threatened Devin, the woman killed him and ran away.

Sara's Realization of Her Own Power Forced Her to Change Her Plan Halfway Through

This event became the catalyst for Sara's journey and search for Devin's father. Reddit user gouf78 noted:

“She has a bounty on her and if brought back she'd probably be hanged for murder. If that happened then Devin would be an orphan so she wanted to find his dad hoping he'd accept him.”

However, while traveling with Isaac, Sara faces new challenges, including frost, wolves, and thugs, and realizes that she can stand up for herself and her child. This realization leads her to give up on seeking the support of the man who abandoned her and to continue her journey to a quiet and calm life without him.