Movies Elvis

What Was In The Pulp Fiction’s Briefcase? 4 Wildest Theories 

What Was In The Pulp Fiction’s Briefcase? 4 Wildest Theories 
Image credit: Miramax Films, Warner Bros.

“What’s in the case?”

What do you associate with the word MacGuffin? A person who is unfamiliar with terminology would say that it is the name of a dessert. Some might think it is the name of a seasoning, something like: Add some MacGuffin and your dish will take on a special flavor.

Yes, it's a seasoning, but only for movie plots. It is the name given to a technique that can keep the viewer glued to the screen. A MacGuffin is a specific object upon which the entire story is based. Simply put, it is something that the characters in the movie desperately want to have.

And of course, the most important MacGuffin in cinema is the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. Let's remember the craziest theories about what was in it.

1. Diamonds

What Was In The Pulp Fiction’s Briefcase? 4 Wildest Theories - image 1

It's no secret that all of Tarantino's movies are connected by invisible threads. For example, did you know that Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs is the brother of Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction?

This gave rise to the theory that there were diamonds in the briefcase that were stolen in Reservoir Dogs. Although this does not explain why the glow is so strong. But it matches the eloquent expressions on the faces of everyone who opens the case.

2. Elvis Presley Costume

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Other fans of the Tarantino metaverse went even further, suggesting that it contained Elvis' gold suit from the movie True Romance.

Tarantino co-wrote the screenplay with Roger Avary, co-writer of Pulp Fiction. A nice theory, but still a little strange one – why does Marsellus need such a glamorous outfit? And what is he going to do with it, actually wear it?

3. Marsellus' Soul

What Was In The Pulp Fiction’s Briefcase? 4 Wildest Theories - image 3

The most popular fan theory is that the briefcase contains Marsellus' soul, which he sold to Satan in exchange for power. The code for the lock is 666, and on the back of Wallace's head is a bandage that seems to cover the wound after the soul was removed. Brett and his companions, killed by Jules and Vincent, are servants of the devil who tried to take Wallace's soul for violating the agreements.

The theory sounds intriguing, but is shattered by the simple reality: the bandage on Ving Rhames' head simply hides the scar on the actor's head.

4. A Cat

You're going to love this one. YouTuber OwlKitty believes that the artistic techniques of the 20th century are outdated, but in the 21st century, there is one most important technique – everything gets better when you add a cat to it. Therefore, the YouTuber boldly reveals the secret of the briefcase: there is a cat in it.

He published on his channel a video with a cut of frames from Pulp Fiction, in each of which he added his cat Lizzy. She not only lies in the briefcase, but also sits on John Travolta's shoulders, rides in a car with him and even dances instead of Uma Thurman.