Where Was Avengers Filmed? Here Are 5 Iconic Locations You Can Actually Visit

For all the hardcore Avengers fans, we got you: here’s a quick list of seven iconic locations from the movies you can visit all in one day to feel part of the MCU yourself.
Fantasy and fantastic movies often offer phenomenal locations that are entirely or mostly unreal, making fans pretty upset about not being able to visit them. Superhero movies, on the other hand, balance between the real world and the added fantasy aspect, so most non-CGI locations are there for you to visit any day of the week.
Avengers, Marvel’s most iconic cinematic franchise, has had numerous different locations throughout the several movies that are already out and is bound to treat us with even more when Secret Wars and The Kang Dynasty are released. But what if you don’t have much free time to travel and still want to feel part of the Avengers?
Here are seven iconic locations from the Avengers movies you can visit all in one day — all you have to do is come to New York and slap these in your Maps app!
5. Pershing Square Café
During the final battle of the first Avengers movie, many bystanders we saw were hiding in this café. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and see the battle from their POV.
4. Chrysler Building
In one of the most epic shots, Thor summons the power of Mjolnir from the top of this skyscraper — try to figure out whether you’d be able to see him from down there.
3. Grand Central Bridge
During the Battle of New York, the original Avengers team fought Loki and the Kree aliens near the entrance to this bridge, so you’ll virtually walk among all of them.
2. Met Life
If you’ve always wondered how you could get into the Stark Tower, head over to the Met Life building: it was used for Iron Man’s base, though they changed it with CGI.
1. The Queensboro Bridge
Remember when Tom Holland ’s Spider-Man sensed something wrong and hurried to join the battle in Infinity War? Maybe the bridge will tickle your Spider-Sense, too.
Honorable mention: Central Park
So much happened here, especially in the 2012 movie, that you can just walk around and see familiar sceneries. Considering how huge the park is, it might take you some time to find the correct locations, though, so maybe bring some reference pictures!