TV The Vampire Diaries

Where Was The Vampire Diaries Filmed? 5 Mystic Falls Locations You Can Actually Visit

Where Was The Vampire Diaries Filmed? 5 Mystic Falls Locations You Can Actually Visit
Image credit: The CW

See the place where the Lockwoods died or visit Elena's house? It is more than possible.

Visiting the places where The Vampire Diaries was filmed is actually not that difficult. Most of the show's episodes were filmed in Covington, Georgia, which is quite accessible.

Of course, it is unlikely that you will see Damon and Stefan in person, but the fact that our already-not-immortal crushes spent 170 episodes right there is pretty cool.

1. The Gilbert House

Elena and Jeremy Gilbert's house is a special place for fans – almost all the major events of the first seasons happened there. If you thought there was nothing left of the house after the fire in season 4, you are wrong. The location from the show was burned with CGI and still attracts the attention of fans.

Unfortunately, the Gilbert house is now private property, and its owners are unlikely to be pleased with the crowd with cameras outside the windows. But what prevents you from just walking by? It is located at 2104 Floyd Street, NE Covington, Georgia.

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2. Lockwood Mansion

One of the most iconic buildings in the show is the Lockwood Mansion, which is open to the public. Fans can see where the tragic deaths of Tyler Lockwood and his family were filmed.

Worthington Manor, a private residence located in Covington, is open for tours of the interior, where you can arrange a photoshoot in the show's setting.

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3. Salvatore Boarding House

Probably the most popular location in the entire Vampire Diaries saga is the Salvatore boarding house. However, few people know that two different locations were used during filming.

The incredibly beautiful country house where some of the episodes were filmed is often rented out for the filming of shows and TV series, and it is located at 6471 224 Street, Langley, British Columbia.

The second location used for the boarding house has slightly different architectural details and is located at 598 Abernathy Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia.

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4. The Mystic Grill

In fact, The Mystic Grill restaurant still exists today at 116 Clark Street in Covington, Georgia.

But the restaurant only resembles its fictional counterpart from the outside. Unfortunately, the interior, which was created only for the series, and was dismantled immediately after the project was completed.

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5. The Clock Tower

You won't have to look far to find the famous Clock Tower. It is located right in the center of the city at 1124 Clark Street, SW Covington Georgia.

Residents of the city used it to their advantage – across the street from the tower, they have opened a gift shop where fans can purchase merchandise featuring their favorite characters.