Who Knew That Wednesday's Thing Actor Is Actually Such A Hottie In Real Life? 

Who Knew That Wednesday's Thing Actor Is Actually Such A Hottie In Real Life? 
Image credit: Netflix

A great actor can deliver the part without showing the face, even if the face is one hundred percent worth it.

Netflix 's Wednesday is a hit, offering a fresh look at the Addams Family story with impressive performances.

In Tim Burton's vision of the beloved story, Jenna Ortega shines as the gothic daughter of the Addams family, supported by standout actors like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gwendoline Christie, and Christina Ricci, who previously played Wednesday in the 90s.

However, there is one actor in particular whose work in the movie stands out from the rest of the cast.

Victor Dorobantu is a 26-year-old Romanian magician and guitarist who immediately caught the attention of the show's team with his supple hand movements and intuitive portrayal of the classic Addams Family character.

Who Knew That Wednesday's Thing Actor Is Actually Such A Hottie In Real Life? - image 1

Dorobantu made an impressive debut as the Thing on Wednesday, bringing the character to life with a unique sense of emotion and skill. In collaboration with director Tim Burton and the use of computer effects, Dorobantu's performance is vital to the story's progression.

Despite being a lifelong fan of The Addams Family, in his interview with Vanity Fair, Victor Dorobantu admitted that he is unsure of the exact reason Tim Burton chose him for the role.

Dorobantu remembers attending the audition with no expectations and later learning that he was one of the final three magicians considered for the role.

The actor was surprised to find that he was up against two other talented Romanian magicians he admired and believed to be more skilled than he was.

But when you see Victor's portrayal of Thing, you won't have any doubts. Dorbantu's hand-acting in the show is remarkably convincing, evoking genuine emotion in every scene. From subtle gestures to moments of pain, his portrayal of Thing is so lifelike that it's easy to forget it's just a hand. That's how convincing his performance is.

The process of getting filmed was an ordeal for the magician. To create the illusion of the Thing, he had to wear a blue suit with his hand exposed, while the rest of his body was digitally erased and a prosthetic wrist stump and scars were added.

Dorbantu also had to creatively maneuver around the set, crawling and crouching, while the VFX team ensured precise positioning.

Victor Dorobantu's efforts to portray the disembodied member of the Addams Family have paid off. Not only is he now a member of one of the most successful TV shows, but he is also a member of our Top Hot Rising Stars list. We mean, just take a look at him.

Source: Vanity Fair