TV Supernatural The Winchesters

Why Doesn't The Winchesters Work as the Supernatural Prequel

Why Doesn't The Winchesters Work as the Supernatural Prequel
Image credit: The CW

Short answer – because it is not. The long answer is a little bit more complicated than that.

The Winchesters was originally set to be a prequel to Supernatural, focusing on how the brothers' parents met, fell in love, and fought monsters together.

We were promised an in-depth look at good ol' John and Mary's love story. Sounds simple enough, right?

Wrong! The first season finale has actually revealed that the show will be more of a sequel, or even a spin-off, set in the alternate universe in the alternate 1970s (no hippies for us?).

Hey, The Winchesters creators, a big "thank you" for making our brains go boom!

Many fans are overjoyed with the finale's revelations and seem to have come to the common conclusion that the show is both the sequel and the prequel to Supernatural.

No complaints from us as long as we get to see our faves again! Even if it is just for one more episode (or maybe one more season as one dares to dream)...

In Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye, which is, ironically, the name of the first season finale, people have noticed even more familiar faces than in the previous episodes.

Spoiler alert (don't say we didn't warn you)! Fans were especially happy to see Bobby, Jack, and Dean himself.

Some even say that the episode has managed to do what no one has expected it to do – resolve all (well, many) of the Supernatural plot holes and inconsistencies that the finale of the original series left us weeping about.

Sure, Destiel fans will never be truly satisfied until Dean and Cass get married and ride off into the sunset together in Baby in one of The Winchesters' episodes but the rest of us are just glad to see Supernatural's legacy live on on the screen once again!

While the first season received mostly mixed reviews, the finale left some hope for an exciting Season 2.

Don't even get us started on the slim possibility that we might just have the whole Winchester family alive and back together – saving people, hunting things, the family business and all that stuff…