Will Alicent Betray Team Green for Rhaenyra? House of the Dragon S2 Trailer Hints So

Things may change drastically in the upcoming season, and not in a way everyone expects.
- House of the Dragon ’s season 2 arrives on Max in a month, and the final trailer released a couple of days ago may have confirmed some big plot changes coming in.
- The prequel’s second season will put its focus on the upcoming full-scale war between the Blacks and the Greens with both sides coming from the split House of Targaryen.
- The brand new trailer’s short scene gives two major hints at how things will become different for the Greens’ leader Alicent and whether some big plot twists are possible in the upcoming season.
House of the Dragon’s season 2 is coming back with a huge battle for the power between the split House of Targaryen’s members, and the full-scale war has never been closer, though the show’s final trailer may have just introduced some unexpected turn of events for one side of the whole drama.
The trailer dropped a couple of days ago still proves that Rhaenyra and Alicent are each other’s sworn enemies, but one of them appears to have second thoughts about everything that is about to happen.
Alicent’s Storyline Is Much More Tragic Than It Seems
In Game of Thrones ’ epic prequel, Alicent is probably the one that suffered the most despite her seemingly enviable social position as Queen Consort and later on mother of the future King of the Seven Kingdoms.
Behind all the sumptuous life that she got throughout the years of being King Viserys I’ wife, Alicent’s personal tragedy goes down deep into her childhood years. Initially being Rhaenyra’s best friend, Alicent’s fate was predetermined by her mercenary father who forced her to marry Rhaenyra’s father thus ruining all the friendship that they had.
Rhaenyra and Alicent’s relationships reached a real point of no return when the latter started a whole campaign for pushing her son to the throne, passing over Rhaenyra who happens to be the real heiress.
Though previous trailers released by HBO proved that Alicent was still pretty much determined about her decision to help her son Aegon II get the power whatever it takes, the final trailer finds her at some point of personal crisis with nobody taking her seriously anymore.
Alicent is always portrayed as the Greens’ leader, but here she doesn’t appear to have the same firm position as her own family thinks she’s still foolish enough to have genuine feelings for Rhaenyra.
Sensing that her allies are turning their backs on her, Alicent may have indeed changed her mind about whether this war was still needed.
Alicent May Make an Attempt to Come to Terms with Rhaenyra
The final trailer gives two major details hinting at Alicent’s change of mind. Apart from her direct mention of the “useless war”, at some point the character is shown making her way through a field that has a river nearby.
The city of King's Landing, Alicent’s place of residence, has no fields or rivers in there being formed as something that has only buildings surrounded by the ocean, but the whole landscape looks pretty much like the island of Dragonstone where Rhaenyra lives.
Considering all that, the chances are that Alicent indeed made a decision to handle it all herself by negotiating for peace with her former best friend.
The Color Change Has a Meaning, Too
Another intriguing detail that not many have managed to notice so far is that Alicent is seen wearing a blue dress in the very same scene. Given that her family’s side has chosen the color green as its symbol, this comes as something rebellion-coded from Alicent who hasn’t been shown wearing blue ever since she appeared as a teenager in season 1, back when she was still friends with her now rival Rhaenyra.
Alicent then made it clear about the end of their friendship by wearing a green dress at Rhaenyra’s wedding, but now it seems like she does wish things had turned differently.
Can Alicent Still Revive Her Bond With Rhaenyra?
Ahead of the season’s approaching arrival, it seems like there’s not a single reason left for Alicent to not burn all the bridges with her side of the family, just like she did with Rhaenyra back then.
With her own son claiming that she has love for their enemy, Alicent’s inner voices telling her about making amends with Rhaenyra are probably louder than ever before.
On top of that all, considering that some fans were left quite bewildered by Aemond calling Alicent by her name instead of addressing her as his mother, Alicent’s revolt may meet the rest of the family’s harsh response as she seems to be gradually drifting towards Rhaenyra’s team.
The theory about both female leaders finally finding peace by the end of the next season has been viral for quite some time while fans are bringing it back to light after the brand new trailer sparked heated discussions.
House of the Dragon’s season 2 is set to arrive at Max on June 16.