
Your Zodiac Sign Reveals Your Hogwarts House (And Harry Potter Alter Ego)

Your Zodiac Sign Reveals Your Hogwarts House (And Harry Potter Alter Ego)
Image credit: Legion-Media,, Warner Bros.

You might not be able to jump on the Hogwarts Express just yet, but your zodiac sign could reveal which house you'd belong to and who your magical alter ego would be.

Let's find out which Harry Potter character are you most similar to, based on your zodiac sign:

Aries: Gryffindor – Harry Potter

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Aries, you're the epitome of Gryffindor bravery, which is why Harry Potter is your guy. Just think about it: this kid goes from zero to hero overnight, literally surviving the Killing Curse as a baby. You both got that "take action first, think later" approach, diving into dangerous situations and letting that Mars-ruled fire guide you. Harry fights off Dark Lords, basilisks, and Death Eaters, all before the age of 17. He's headstrong and maybe a bit impulsive, much like you, Aries, but that's why we love him.

Taurus: Hufflepuff – Cedric Diggory

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Taurus, our loyal and steadfast friend. Who better to represent you than the tragic hero Cedric Diggory? Cedric embodies Hufflepuff's unwavering loyalty and determination. He stands his ground even when facing Voldemort and his Death Eaters, ultimately losing his life in a terrible twist of fate. Your ruling planet Venus makes you drawn to beauty and aesthetics, just like how Cedric was eye candy for many. Let's just say if Hogwarts had a "Most Likely to Be a Model" superlative, Cedric would have won hands down.

Gemini: Ravenclaw – Luna Lovegood

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Gemini, as the twins of the Zodiac, you've got that dual nature, making you adaptable but also a bit hard to pin down. Luna Lovegood, the quirky Ravenclaw, is your alter ego. She's open-minded, intelligent, and isn't afraid to embrace her eccentricities, much like you. Luna believes in Nargles and the Crumple-Horned Snorkack and reads her magazine upside down. She may be mocked for her unconventional beliefs, but her wisdom shines through, especially during times of crisis. Sounds a lot like you, doesn't it?

Cancer: Gryffindor – Hermione Granger

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Cancer, you're the emotional heart of any group, so you'd probably think you belong in Hufflepuff, right? Nah, think again! Hermione Granger is your Hogwarts counterpart, and she's as Gryffindor as they come. Hermione uses her smarts and resourcefulness to get out of tight spots, whether she's solving riddles or literally turning back time. But what really puts her in Gryffindor is her intense loyalty and protective nature, very much akin to your Cancerian traits. She'll go to any length to protect Harry and Ron, even when they're both acting like complete dunderheads.

Leo: Gryffindor – Sirius Black

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As the kings and queens of the Zodiac, ruled by the Sun, Leos love the spotlight. Your "Harry Potter" alter ego? Sirius Black, of course. This man escaped from Azkaban, the wizarding world's most secure prison, just to protect Harry, his godson. Sirius is a bona fide Gryffindor – brave, chivalrous, and oh-so-daring. He's a character who loved fiercely and commanded attention whenever he entered a room. Just like you, Leo, he was a natural leader and had a knack for making things more interesting.

Virgo: Ravenclaw – Cho Chang

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With Mercury as your ruling planet, Virgo, you're a sharp thinker and a diligent worker. That's why you're best represented by Cho Chang. She's not just a pretty face; this girl is smart! Remember, she was a year ahead of Harry in Charms and made it into Ravenclaw, the house of the wise. She may be famous for her romantic entanglement with Harry, but let's not overlook her talents. She's a Seeker for her Quidditch team and an active member of Dumbledore's Army. You share her knack for juggling multiple talents at once, Virgo, even if things don't always go your way.

Libra: Hufflepuff – Nymphadora Tonks

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Ruled by Venus, Libras are all about balance, beauty, and justice. And who better embodies those traits than the ever-lovable Nymphadora Tonks? Don't let the clumsiness fool you; she's a force to be reckoned with. Tonks is a Metamorphmagus, meaning she can change her appearance at will – a talent she uses both in battle and for comic relief. She falls in love with Lupin and stands by him, showing that unwavering Hufflepuff loyalty. She's fun, fair, and incredibly versatile, just like you, Libra!

Scorpio: Slytherin – Severus Snape

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Scorpio, the most enigmatic sign of the Zodiac. Who else could represent you but Severus Snape? A complex character if there ever was one. Snape is, at various times, both a villain and a hero. He's intelligent and cunning, with his motives only fully revealed at the very end. Snape is as Slytherin as they come, using his wit and resourcefulness to rise through the ranks as both a Death Eater and a spy for the Order of the Phoenix. The man led a double life and pulled it off until the bitter end – a true Scorpio power move.

Sagittarius: Gryffindor – Albus Dumbledore

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As the explorers and philosophers of the Zodiac, Sagittarius people are all about the broader perspective. You're innately curious, and who better to be your alter ego than Albus Dumbledore? The man's got wisdom spilling out of his beard. Leader of the Order of the Phoenix, founder of Dumbledore's Army, and a total Gryffindor, he's brave but also incredibly wise. He's the kind of guy who'd keep a phoenix as a pet and offer you a lemon drop while discussing the complexities of life.

Capricorn: Slytherin – Draco Malfoy

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Capricorn, you're all about ambition and structure, which is why Draco Malfoy is your guy. Draco is ambitious to a fault, raised in a family that's pretty much Slytherin royalty. He tries to adhere to the Malfoy legacy but struggles with his conscience, especially when push comes to shove. You get him, Capricorn, because you also understand the weight of expectations and the desire to climb the ladder, even if it's a slippery one.

Aquarius: Ravenclaw – Gilderoy Lockhart

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Aquarius, the sign of innovation and, let's be honest here for a minute, a little bit of weirdness. Your alter ego is none other than Gilderoy Lockhart. Lockhart might not be the most...competent wizard, but he's a published author multiple times over and convinced the entire wizarding world he's something he's not. That takes brains and a certain flair that you can't help but admire. The man's a Ravenclaw, albeit a misguided one. He's unique and isn't afraid to stand out from the crowd, qualities that you surely appreciate.

Pisces: Hufflepuff – Rubeus Hagrid

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Pisces, the dreamers of the zodiac, your emotional depth and empathy make Rubeus Hagrid your perfect match. Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts, Hagrid has a heart of gold. He might be a bit naive, but his loyalty knows no bounds. A Hufflepuff through and through, he's your go-to guy for a comforting chat and a cuppa in his cozy hut. He cares deeply for magical creatures that most consider terrifying, and if that doesn't scream 'Pisces empathy,' I don't know what does.