Animated Characters Whose Complexity Is Just on Another Level
Benjamin Patel
Animated Characters Whose Complexity Is Just on Another Level
Who said animated movies are just for kids?
Internet Crush of the Day
Olivia Cooke From: House of the Dragon
Are we excited for season 3 already?
Hot (59%) Not (41%)
5 Movies Than Convey Lovecraftian Horror Perfectly
Mathias Noris
5 Movies Than Convey Lovecraftian Horror Perfectly
This horror subgenre is notoriously difficult to adapt to the screen, but some filmmakers manage to do it flawlessly.
One Role That Helped Robert Pattinson Break the Twilight Curse
Benjamin Patel
One Role That Helped Robert Pattinson Break the Twilight Curse
It's a shame that such a talented actor was considered to be a one-role guy for so many years.
The Flash Star Ezra Miller Can't Outrun Past Controversies Unlike His Character
Dean Black
The Flash Star Ezra Miller Can't Outrun Past Controversies Unlike His Character
Despite amazing early reviews of the upcoming The Flash movie, a large chunk of the audience wants to never touch the film thanks to Ezra Miller's recent past.
7 Inconceivable Facts About The Princess Bride You Probably Never Knew
Benjamin Patel
7 Inconceivable Facts About The Princess Bride You Probably Never Knew
This little-known facts will make you fall in love with the movie again.
BTS Facts About Mean Girls That Every Plastics Fan Should Know
Sarah Flores
BTS Facts About Mean Girls That Every Plastics Fan Should Know
They are not regular facts, they are cool facts.
If Sony Wants Its Own Spider-Man, There's Only One Right Choice
Benjamin Patel
If Sony Wants Its Own Spider-Man, There's Only One Right Choice
Is Miles Morales the hero we've been waiting for?
Marvel Boss Claims This One Person Was Solely Responsible for MCU's Ascent
Dean Black
Marvel Boss Claims This One Person Was Solely Responsible for MCU's Ascent
Apparently, Kevin Feige takes no credit for making the MCU as great as we know it.
One Deleted Morbius Scene That Could (Try To) Save The Movie
Virginia Singh
One Deleted Morbius Scene That Could (Try To) Save The Movie
Even the actors thought that some things were left out unfairly.
You'd Be Surprised, But MCU Fans Demand More Crossovers Now
Alex Nguyen
You'd Be Surprised, But MCU Fans Demand More Crossovers Now
Suddenly, no one cares about individual character development.