10 Best K-Dramas Set In A School (& Where to Watch Them)

School is that place where your life changes drastically, and these K-Dramas show these pivotal points in all their glory.
Be it romance, trauma, rivalry, or finding your place in life — these 10 shows will focus on teenagers torn by emotions and daunting expectations (and puberty).
High school TV setting is very popular in East Asian countries, and there are many reasons for that. One of them is that the setting is relatable to the majority of the audience because most of it has been in school and has gone through this turbulent period of life.
Another one is that it allows the writers to explore diverse plots without confining the story to a specific workplace and a specific set of rules. School kids have more freedom than adult characters — and for some of these shows it's the main focus.
Kids are trying to realize what they want to do in this life, they're at the crossroads, they're trying to put a label on themselves, and this feeling of openness, of a time filled with various opportunities is very alluring to the audience. Sprinkle some romance, or thriller, or detective on top of it — and you'll have a hit work.