10 Cringey Things 'Friends' Would Never Be Able to Get Away With in 2024

As one of the best sitcoms of the 90's, "Friends" still enjoy an untouchable status, with viewers refusing to admit the show's mistakes because of its cult status.
However, in many ways the sitcom has aged rather poorly, with some of the storylines played out on the show feeling awkward and even offensive.
First of all, we are not trying to cast any aspersions on "Friends" and the show's production team. After all, this sitcom was a product of its time, and some of the things we no longer consider acceptable were quite mainstream at the end of the XX century.
In 2024, however, it's simply impossible to ignore the shortcomings of "Friends." Lack of racial diversity, mistreatment of women, and questionable storylines will continue to plague the show's legacy.
There's no arguing that the show's writers wouldn't be able to get away with some of the things written for the show in 2024, when Hollywood has begun to pay much more attention to inclusivity and supporting marginalized groups.
It's clear that the show will continue to suffer from this, with fans refusing to watch it again or even demanding that some of the storylines be edited. But at least modern shows have stopped copying the most questionable "Friends" elements.