10 Feel-Good K-Dramas That Are Like Comfort Food, But Better

Describing K-dramas as feel-good may sound like a tautology, as Korean television has become a huge hit in the Western world largely because of how comforting and endearing the shows are.
Koreans love to produce feel-good shows, and we decided to pick 10 of the most comforting ones that are sure to brighten your day!
Despite being very different in terms of settings, locations, and character archetypes, all of the shows on this list have one thing in common - they are ridiculously comforting to watch.
Yes, you may be able to guess the show's ending from the opening moments, but this lack of originality only adds to the feel-good nature of the show, as there are no nasty surprises or depressing plot twists to spoil your fun.
From classic romantic dramas, to enemies-to-love stories, to women getting revenge on the men who wronged them, the above 10 shows have everything to satisfy even the most unorthodox tastes without losing even a fraction of that feel-good vibes.
If you have always relied on American shows to brighten your day, relentlessly watching the same episodes over and over again, it may be time to refresh your comfort watch list! And the K-dramas on this list are sure to help you fight bad moods if you allow yourself to experiment a bit!