10 Moments That Prove TBBT's Sheldon And Amy Are an Ultimate OTP

We all need Amy in our lives.
For a few seasons of The Big Bang Theory, there were a lot of questions about Sheldon's relationships with others and even his sexuality. Viewers didn't think too much about his romantic involvement with anyone, but once the discussions started, there was nothing to stop them.
What no one really expected was for him to find his one true love through an online dating app. Though Sheldon and Amy didn't hit it off right away, and their love story was filled with obstacles to overcome, the journey they took was worth their happily ever after.
If you've been away from The Big Bang Theory for too long and don't have time to rewatch to refresh your memory of just how iconic Sheldon and Amy were together, here are 10 moments that prove they were indeed the show's best couple.
Constant Support
Although the first time the couple held hands, neither really noticed any signs of attention, that would change later. As the group watched Howard's rocket launch live, Sheldon automatically reached out to hold Amy's hand in desperation. They didn't need a word to discuss it, but we all knew it was the beginning of something great.
Fortress of Shame
It's always hard to admit that you have problems, but when you have a loving and supportive person around you, it can be a lot easier. It's no secret that Amy has made Sheldon better, but she's also helped him face some struggles that he might never have acknowledged, let alone resolved, without her by his side.
Science Partners
What could be better than sharing a common interest with your loved one? Well, sharing the Nobel Prize might be an achievement that nothing can ever top. Although it was more work-related than their hobbies, both Amy and Sheldon care deeply about their scientific careers, so it was definitely a huge milestone to share.
Back to Common Sense
The emotions were always too much for Sheldon to handle, but luckily he always had Amy to bring him back down to earth. Before receiving the same award mentioned above, Sheldon was on the verge of ruining relationships with everyone around him because of his overwhelming fear. Fortunately, as always, Amy was there to calm him down.
Fashionable Duo
While the majority of the audience and both of Amy's friends thought her chosen wedding dress was truly atrocious, Sheldon was the one who absolutely loved it. Even though he doesn't care much for fashion, his opinion and respect for his fiancée's choice was the most important thing.
In Sickness
When Amy gets sick, Sheldon is able to overcome his germophobia just to help her. Of course, this is also required by their relationship contract, but in reality it is very obvious that he is enjoying it as much as Amy is. However, she enjoyed it so much that she decided to fake her illness just to experience this side of Sheldon a little longer, and who can blame her?
Emergency Contact
Helping each other get over the flu is one thing, but making your partner your emergency contact is a much bigger step. Even though Sheldon wasn't ready to move in with Amy at the time, he showed her a lot more trust with this gesture and made the rest of us sob at our sitcom couple screens.
Feeling Like Kids
One of the signs of a healthy and happy relationship is feeling so free and easy around your partner that you can forget your adult responsibilities and return to a childlike form. This is exactly what Sheldon and Amy did when they built Fort Cozy McBlanket and stayed in it against all the odds of adult social responsibilities.
Overcoming Meemaw
We all know how much Meemaw means to Sheldon and how much her opinions continue to influence his life. Unfortunately, Amy didn't get the highest rating right away, even though she was the first woman Sheldon felt worthy enough to introduce to her. Eventually, however, they found common ground in caring equally about Sheldon and his future.
Real Wedding
It was a big deal for Sheldon to get everything right, including his wedding to Amy. Although the couple initially decided to have a quick wedding at City Hall, the thought of missing out on a big celebration was too much for Sheldon to bear. Instead, he insisted on a big "real" wedding, complete with cake, gifts, guests and, of course, the first dance.