10 Must-Watch Retro TV Series with Nostalgic 80s Vibes

Sometimes we feel that the 80s weren't that long ago, but then we make a list of movies from that decade dubbed as 'retro' and sneak a glance at the calendar.
This one is for those who love the aesthetics of that age and want to immerse themselves in it — the best way to do that is to indulge in the shows that were made back then.
The 80s were filled with so many interesting shows that broadened the term 'entertainment' and helped establish many genres on the TV landscape. There were a lot of experiments, and some weren't as successful as the others for one reason or another (most of the time it's the budget), but they all became a wonderful showcase of the 80s culture.
They're campy, the CGI looks wonky in those that adopt it, and the acting is different from what we're used to, but the ideas are raw and unique. They perfectly reflected the life of that time, especially those shows that were trying to deal with the problems that the rapid development of computers they thought may bring.
And hey, in some of these, you can watch the modern stars before their careers peaked!