10 TV Shows So Cringe, You Won't Believe They Actually Got Made

10 TV Shows So Cringe, You Won't Believe They Actually Got Made
Image credit: ABC, CBS

Watch network television for just one night and you will quickly realize that TV producers are not very keen on taking risks, preferring to stick to formulas that already work, producing one similar show after another, not even trying to create something original and unique.

Thankfully, we now have streaming platforms and networks like HBO as a reliable source of groundbreaking TV, but back in the day, viewers didn't have that and were completely reliant on the classic networks for content.

And while there were a lot of interesting shows on the air back then, even if most of them were completely unoriginal, sometimes producers would agree to air shows so outrageous and hilarious that we still wonder how the screenwriters managed to convince anyone to greenlight their projects.

Here are 10 TV shows we can't believe actually got made:

Yes, we were just as shocked as you when we found out more about the above projects, because their plots are so ridiculous and so far removed from normal television that their very existence seems like a joke.

Of course, none of the above shows are actually any good, but that shouldn't stop you from watching them. These 10 shows are charming in their own way, and the sense of weirdness will never leave you while you watch them, which might appeal to the more brave of our readers!