TV The Witcher

12 Must-See TV Series Based on Best-Selling Novels

12 Must-See TV Series Based on Best-Selling Novels
Image credit: AMC, Starz

When people see movies based on a book, they think about how they fit the full-length novel in under two hours of screen time and what parts of the narrative had to be excluded.

One of the ways to adapt books more organically is to do multi-episode series, and these 12 shows that are based on critically acclaimed novels prove that they work well.

If you're an experienced reader, you can digest a regular-sized novel in one evening. But still, it would take you longer than two hours to do so, and filmmakers have to fit all that in a movie format, which means that lots of stuff is going to be omitted.

TV Shows have fewer timing restrictions, and that allows for a more thorough and truthful adaptation of source material, one that doesn't have to cut up as much as the movie one has.

Now, granted, some of the shows still have too much creative liberty in their interpretations (we're looking at the latter seasons of The Witcher, for example, and the second one of Altered Carbon), but still, the longer runtime allows them to fully immerse the viewer into these fictional worlds and make them more excited.