12 Terrible Movies Saved by Their Soundtracks

Making a movie is an incredibly slow and complex process - actors, writers, directors, producers, and the production department work together as a single unit to make the movie look like a movie, not a YouTube video.
But what if all of these people failed to do their jobs properly, making the movie look like a cheap mess, incapable of pleasing even the most undemanding viewer?
Well, the movie could still be saved! All thanks to the soundtrack, which could elevate the mediocre material to new heights.
All of the movies mentioned above have one thing in common - they failed to impress the general public with their cinematic qualities: the acting was bad, the direction even worse, and the writing left a lot to be desired.
The musicians responsible for their soundtracks, however, managed to do a great job of creating wonderful scores for bad movies.
And even if you're one of the biggest "Twilight " haters in the world, you can't deny how hauntingly beautiful the soundtrack to the movie turned out to be!
It looks like the aforementioned movies are all best experienced with your eyes closed.