15 Best Sci-Fi TV Shows Of 2023 to Stream on Netflix, Prime & More in March

Without a doubt, Sci-Fi is one of the most interesting and rewarding genres to follow in Hollywood right now, as the chance for a viewer to immerse themselves in a completely unique world, and gradually learn more about the characters that live in it, is still as valuable as it was back in the 50s.
Given how much great sci-fi depends on extensive world-building, the show format has become the best for fantastical storytelling, and these 15 great shows from 2023 prove that it is for a reason:
As you've probably noticed, none of the above shows were critical failures, which is a difficult status to achieve given how low industry standards have fallen in our age of Peak TV.
Moreover, given how complex the sci-fi genre is, it's truly commendable that the writers and directors of these shows managed to make them work without boring audiences to tears.
In this regard, the Apple TV+ "Foundation" may be the best of its kind! When it was announced that the streaming giant would be adapting Isaac Asimov's iconic sci-fi book series, few thought it would be a success, given how complex and incredibly detailed the source material was. And yet, in its second season, the show feels better than ever, inspiring other creators to tackle even more difficult-to-adapt sci-fi books.
Dan Simmons' "Hyperion" anyone?