2014 Controversial Horror with Idris Elba Is Now Free on Streaming

The streaming hero has just saved us from another waste of money.
In the world of streaming platforms, Netflix might be an undeniable ruler, but it’s facing a major danger now that a free streaming service is taking a place among digital giants, adding more and more movies and shows every week.
This time the platform got itself a 2014 critical flop after the movie spent years being available for watching on other streaming websites only for the cost of rent or purchase. The flick has a star-studded cast that comprises Idris Elba, Taraji P. Henson and Leslie Bibb, yet 10 years later it’s still a very controversial psychological horror that even the cast couldn’t keep safe from critics’ slam.
No Good Deed Is Now Available on Tubi
Probably aiming to save the movie from being completely forgotten, Tubi has just added No Good Deed to its already vast collection, and the film has been available for watching ever since February 1.
Released back in 2014, No Good Deed follows Elba’s Colin Evans who, after being released from prison where he spent 15 years for manslaughter, finds trust of a stay-at-home mother who lets Evans into her house to use her phone.
Soon she gets to realise that the saying “no good deed goes unpunished” is actually true when the charming stranger takes over her house and starts terrorising her and her kids.
No Good Deed Was Crashed by Critics, but Praised by the Audience
The movie was quite a controversial matter once released in theatres. The premiere was followed by harsh words from critics, eventually leading No Good Deed to a disheartening score of 13% on Rotten Tomatoes.
However, the film still did well in theatres and earned $54 million, which was a major win for a flick with a $13 million budget. Viewers also stepped in with some favorable reviews, eventually bringing the movie an average, yet still better score of 55%.
Now that No Good Deed is finally on Tubi, the movie might expect some more attention from the new audience that is likely to give it a watch after all.