TV Netflix George Martin Game of Thrones 3 Body Problem

3 Body Problem: Total Number of Seasons, Confirmed by Showrunners

3 Body Problem: Total Number of Seasons, Confirmed by Showrunners
Image credit: Netflix

The answer’s been pretty obvious all along, but a confirmation is always nice to have.

For the past few years since the finale of Game of Thrones, David Benioff and Dan Weiss might have been slammed by fans. Perhaps, even repeatedly. Maybe, even viciously. But the iconic showrunners’ recent series, 3 Body Problem, managed to largely overshadow their previous failure: the first season of this epic sci-fi saga turned out amazingly, showcasing D&D true potential and skills.

However, despite 3 Body Problem’s success, we didn’t know much about the showrunners’ future plans for it until recently — but now, all cards are on the table.

How Many Seasons Will 3 Body Problem Have?

Last Friday, at Netflix ’s panel at Sunset Las Palmas, the 3 Body Problem showrunners revealed their plans for the show in the most exciting fashion possible: with the official renewal of 3 Body Problem for two more seasons. That’s right — after the success of Season 1, Netflix’s latest big-budget sci-fi sensation got greenlit for S2 & S3 at once!

“We included a lot of what we loved from the [original novels] in Season 1, but the vast majority of reasons we wanted to make this show are in Season 2. We always wanted to get to the final page of the third book, and it’s really, really thrilling to us that we will get to do just that,” Weiss shared at the panel.

Sure, Cixin Liu’s novels are a trilogy, so it was only fair to expect three seasons — but realistically, anything could’ve gone wrong, so the confirmation is very welcome.

The 3 Body Problem Update Teases Great Finale

If you were there to watch the downfall of Game of Thrones, you know exactly what the problem was: Benioff and Weiss, while great at adaptations, don’t perform too spectacularly if derailed. For as long as they had George Martin ’s source material, they were in the clear, but once they ran out of books, the show started falling apart.

It seems like this won’t be the case with 3 Body Problem: the original trilogy has long been finished, and Weiss even explicitly pointed out that D&D only want to “get to the final page of the third book.” The source material is amazing, and the showrunners have already proven themselves more than capable of adapting it.

Now, here’s to hoping Benioff and Weiss don’t decide to make a Season 4 once they’re done with the trilogy.

Source: Netflix Tudum