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3 Twilight Plot Holes Even a Reboot Won't Be Able to Fix

3 Twilight Plot Holes Even a Reboot Won't Be Able to Fix
Image credit: globallookpress

When the news of the Twilight TV series dropped some time ago, the community exploded with excitement and are now expecting a great show — very much unlike Harry Potter a few weeks prior.

A TV reboot of Twilight is great news indeed: the fans of the saga have been running thirsty for more Twilight for years now.

While next to nothing exact is known at this moment, the speculations are all over the place. Will they redo the original plot? Will it be a Midnight Sun adaptation? An entirely new story? Who knows — the possibilities are endless!

Amid this excitement, someone has to address one tiny little issue: no matter how great the series turns out to be, they won't be able to fix some major plot holes in Stephenie Meyer's world.

The best the show can do is try to cover them up a bit.

Here are three of the fundamental world-building issues in Twilight.

Vampire genetics

Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and Bella doesn't seem to be an exception.

Vampires, on the other hand, have 26 pairs of chromosomes as stated in Breaking Dawn — apparently, during the transformation, the genetic code changes.

This brings us to the question: how was Renesmee even possible?

Apart from the fact that Edward's literally a deadman whose seed can't be alive, his genetics are very much different from Bella's.

Now, what's up with those vampire genes, again?

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Newborn mystery

Newborn vampires are notorious for their uncontrollable thirst for human blood.

They can't be reasoned with, they're incredibly strong, and they will do anything to drink some tasty humans dry. Older vampires, however, can control themselves. This raises not one, but two questions.

First, why wasn't Bella a bloodlusty monster after her transformation?

Second, why was Jasper, a pretty damn old vampire, behaving like a newborn when he smelled a drop of Bella's blood?

What's wrong?

Unreasonable fear

In Twilight, vampires don't burn in sunlight; instead, they just sparkle.

The sun deals exactly zero damage to them — their skin just acts in an unnatural way which is why the Cullens, for instance, were living in cloudy towns like Forks to hide this effect.

But as we know, the ultimate vampire overlords, the Volturi clan, are cruel and power-craving freaks with no regard for human lives.

Why exactly are they (and other vampires) hiding in the first place? They're incredibly strong and fast demons made of stone who can't be even hurt by the sunlight.

How come were they not building an undead army to take over the world once and for all and turn humans into their cattle?

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The Volturi treated the living like that anyways. They had the means to make it happen — and instead, they just hid. Why?