3 Unanswered Questions in Silo That Feel Like Plot Holes

3 Unanswered Questions in Silo That Feel Like Plot Holes
Image credit: Apple TV+

The show has been delaying its story’s major origin details for way too long now.

Based on High Howey’s dystopian book series, Apple TV ’s Silo expands the narrative on the screen, bringing in a closer look at Juliette’s survival in underground silos; though, ironically, it’s the whole plot’s origin that the series completely forgets about.

The mystery created by the second season’s big plot twists might potentially make the original story even more entangled — hopefully, Silo’s upcoming third season will resolve the issue.

Silo Construction Might Have Been a Part of a Huge Conspiracy All This Time

The second season’s finale dropped some kind of bombshell when, during Helen and the Congressman’s talk about bombs that destroyed the outer world, it is hinted that the whole apocalypse thing might have easily been nothing but a fraud to eventually talk people into going down to the silos. This raises a concern whether silos in fact serve for yet another purpose rather than just giving a shelter to those who managed to survive the end of the world.

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This potentially real issue has been long discussed among the show’s fans, yet only Silo’s upcoming season 3 will finally confirm or debunk the theory. The next instalment will be based on the trilogy’s second book which is actually a prequel to the first one and recounts the silos’ history ever since they were constructed not long before dirty bombs destroyed everything on the surface.

There Can’t Just Be 2 Out of 51 Silos With Survivors

Naturally, silos are a massive construction expanding to more than a hundred levels with around 50 separate structures, yet there are only two out of these last ones that actually have people living in them (so far). With that many accommodations staying in the shadows, it’s hard to believe that all of them are actually empty and there’s not a single survivor even if those silos were demolished at some point.

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Exploring other stories of the underground life would be an intriguing introduction to new storylines which would eventually get a connection with silos 17 and 18, intertwining with Juliette’s and other inhabitants’ ones.

The 51st Silo’s Mystery Is Still in the Air

Silo’s next season will most likely dive deeper into the matter, though now the revelation about the existing 51st silo feels like a plot twist that the rest of the story just can’t move forward without.

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In Season 2, Bernard tells Lukas that there’s an additional silo the existence of which was kept a secret so far, and, even though he insists he has no idea about the reasons for building one more accommodation, viewers were left with a weird feeling that Bernard might actually know something. Still, that’s a problem for the third season to resolve, since the plot will probably move back to earlier times when silos were nothing but just a layout.

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