4 Most Glaring Plot Holes In The Matrix Franchise Everyone Is Sleeping On

4 Most Glaring Plot Holes In The Matrix Franchise Everyone Is Sleeping On
Image credit: Warner Bros.

The Wachowskis’ simulation turned out to be not so perfect.

The Matrix explores philosophical themes and raises interesting questions about the nature of our reality. As compelling as the original movie's story was, it wasn't impeccable. There are some pretty big plot holes that haunt fans to this day.

1. Why don't the machines kill those who wake up right away?

In the Matrix world, humans are nothing more than a kind of valuable power battery. Neo has the chance to experience this for himself after he chooses the red pill and wakes up in a pod.

After that he is "flushed down the drain," where Morpheus and the rest of the crew rescue him. And here, right at the beginning of the movie, there is a burning question - why do the machines allow those who decide to break out of the Matrix to leave in the first place?

2. How does the brain turn Matrix traumas into actual traumas?

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Although the Matrix is a simulation, events in the virtual world can affect a person in the real world. While Neo gets injured, he asks Morpheus how it is even possible. Morpheus replies that his mind makes them real. Sounds implausible? Yes, very much so.

Although the brain can make a person feel pain not caused by physical injury, it is still very hard to believe that it can simulate broken bones, let alone death.

3. How is Neo able to move as soon as he wakes up?

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Inside the pods, the people enslaved by the machines obviously do not get any physical activity, since they do not move at all.

Here comes another question – why aren't people suffering from muscle atrophy?

4. How does Cypher get in and out of the Matrix alone?

Cypher betrayed his friends for the personal gain – he wanted to stay in the Matrix forever, and forget the hardships of the real world, and to be honest, it's hard not to get his point.

But what the viewers don’t get is how Cypher gets into the Matrix without the help of an operator.

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